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About Medens123

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    Skyrim, Total War Shogun II
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    Skyrim, Oblivion, Morrowind, Bioshock, KotoR, Forza 3, GTA Series, Total War Series, Gothic I & II, Assassins Creed I & II

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  1. Hey, This is one of the best Weapon and Armor mod, in my Opinion. And it´s really Hi-Res: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=26490
  2. Sorry for double post, my internet screwd... Can a mod please delete this one?
  3. Hey, first of all, i want to say thank you to all of you here! It´s great how everybody helps each other! I found tons of nice mods through this forum, even if i never aksed for some^^ But now, this is my first question. Can anyone tell me if there is a Vampire Castle Mod? Similar to Sinbloods Vampire Heaven, but as a Castle or Big Minor outside of Cities... And another question is, can maybe someone PM me a link for all these sims hairs? It´s too bad that they are not here on Nexus... But that´s the rules i think.... Anyway, thanks in Advance! Greetings Elias PS: sorry for my bad English. I´m from Belgium. Hope you understand me anyway^^
  4. Hi, @Unavi: Thank you, I didn´t think of it... I did it with the BSA unpacker and it worked. Thanks alot. @bben46: I mean, I put a mod by myself in the Oblivion Folder... It was not an OMOD version. But Thanks anyway. Thanks again at you both Greetings Elias
  5. Hi, I was so stupid and activate an mod, whitout to save the folder Meshes-Characters-1stperson. So please, can somebody help me, and upload the vanilla folder for me or say me, where I can find it?? please Greetings Elias
  6. Hey, much thanks UK47... Next time I hope I can make it :) Thanks Again at all Greetings Elias
  7. Really? that would be great... but can You anyway explain how You do it? So I must´nt nerve other people next time ^^ Thanks again... Greetings Elias
  8. Hi, yeah, sure, when it´s the easiest way... You know how I can do it? Greetings Elias
  9. Hi at all, Sorry for my bad english I´m from Belgium...^^ So, befor a week, I downloaded "Andragorns weapons and armors" which is, in my opinion, one of the best Armor and Weapon mod for Oblivion... Especially the Sotonhorian Warsword, the Twohanded one. I love the sword... But I´m asking me, why is there no Longsword-version of this?? So I thougt somebody here can explain me how I can convert the Twohand sword to an Longsword, or can make the shortsword a bit longer... Or better somebody could do it, because I have no experience with modcreating...^^ So I hope here is somebody who can help me with my wish :) Greetings Elias
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