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Posts posted by bleakwood

  1. Why there are so many of such mods? Might be because certain countries are starting to have a larger presence in the community. Countries where Nazi imagery and ideology is viewed somewhat differently than in the West. Maybe just plain ignorance.

    Nazi uniforms also have a nice cut, no doubt.


    I agree on the stance against censorship, its never the right answer. If you go down that road, about what some people might find offensive, it will never end.

    You say it will be better if the creators stated that they didnt agree with the Nazi ideology? Do makers of nude mods state that they dont agree with the objectification of women? If disclaimers are mandatory they simply loose all credibility. Forced ethics are not ethics.

  2. Absolutely needs this. I've played it for 60 hours ingame and I just dont care what happens to my char(yea, "MY CHAR", thats how detached I feel!).


    Crippled? Drug addicted? Radiated? Bare registers with me. It just dosnt matters. I'm not having fun with this.


    These things CRITICALLY need to be made relevant for play. That and sleep/eat/drink mod as I used in NW.


    Oh, and plz remove that gawddamn radar indicator that shows me where locations are, ffs! I can "explore" without even seeing where I am going. Its insane!


    The idea about having settlers pick junk for you is brilliant, that would make them actually useful! (so far I have no idea what I am suppose to use these settlements for, they dont generate ANYTHING except potentially some minutmen to help me out!).


    Anything else that tightens the belt, such as loot tables, or otherwise adds immersion is crazy welcome.


    I just CANT play the game anymore until some serious immersion rework. Its just cant get into it. And I regret having played it as much as I have. At least I should have forgotten a fair deal by the time the mods come out.


    Since its my first post(been a member a while) I would just like to say that I know nothing about modding myself but sure have used a lot, and I insanely appreciate the work people put in.

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