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  1. Here's the mod that broke my grass :) http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=48
  2. Hi, I seem to have fixed my own problem. I noticed that ENB uses a file called d3d9.dll. I never installed ENB, but I did install something called "fix_for_ATI_AMD_video_cards-48-1-0.rar" which contains d3d9.dll. I renamed to d3d9.dll.old to see the effect of removing the file, and voila! THAT problem seems to have gone away. I still have several other questionable issues - such as the rising sun rays are clearly visible right THROUGH the mountains the sun is behind, and I get a whole lot of flickering at the tops of distant mountains that I didn't notice before... So much for a ATI card 'fix'... it actually broke it more... I don't know who to blame for this
  3. Help, all of the sudden I am seeing weird shadowy images moving over grass - it looks like ghostly rivers or sometimes vertical or horizontal lines. Sometimes it moves all by itself getting faster or slower, and sometimes it stands still. One time it was lines and circular blobs. Very obvious when moving but harder to see when still. Depends on time of day and direction you are facing... Others suggested ENB is the problem or some lighting / shadow mod, but I haven't installed one... although I did recently install a whole bunch of mods, mostly retexture ones and some distant LOD, but I've tried uninstalling many of them with no success I know other people have experienced this, any help or solution would be much appreciated!
  4. Here are some screenshots:
  5. Hi, yes I just added a bunch of mods (mostly retextures) and I just started noticing this today. I don't think it has to do with the ATI/Radeon driver problem, I had that and I rolled back to Catalyst 12.1 which fixed that It just started showing up as 'phantom' images like rivers / water which ebb and flow randomly through the grass. It is MUCH more noticeable when moving - very similar to the video below. HELP!!! How do I fix this??? I've never installed ENB mod.
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