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Everything posted by kazzap
Just wanna give another quick thanks to everyone in this thread. I was finally able to get it solved, if anyone was wondering the problem was I was editied the vanilla upk instead of the XEW upk. Thanks everyone!
I'm still having issues with this sadly, I drag XComgame.upk into decompress.exe and get the new file in the unpacked folder. I go to edit this with HxD but still can't find the line. Searching for hex value - all but still find nothing. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, I am editing the one in the unpacked folder so I'm pretty sure its the decompressed file. I hate code lol. Even if I can't get this working thanks for the support from everyone in this thread.
Okay that explains a lot, to release I guess you would have to make an exe installer or something which is prob quite a hassle. Also thank you for that little guide, now that its spelled out for me step by step I think I might be able to handle it lol.
I understand and really do sympathize. Apologies if my earlier response came off rather cold -- I'm still busy playing the game and occasionally stopping to dive into the code to check stuff out. I understand that for ... oh ... let's say 95% of the users ... they'd install the upk into the correct place (and delete the upk.uncompressed_file_size) and everything would work fine. The other 5% would have some issue, either from not installing it correctly or because they are running a different OS or a host of other problems. I'm the type of person that would feel obligated to solve these problems, but also the type of person that wouldn't enjoy it (I'm weird, so sue me ^_^). So, my preference is to find the info and distribute the info. So far other users at Nexus have been pretty good about picking things up and releasing them as a supported mod. Sometimes it just takes a little time. Not to mention that all the Nexus users outside of NA don't even have the game yet. I guess I can understand that, how about I make you a deal. PM me the file and then I'll host it lol. That way it will be my responsibility to support the masses and not yours. No pressure just think about it lol. Replacing a file is a nice easy Skyrim level mod I can handle lol.
Whats worse and a big reason why this is annoying me so much is I've already beaten the game on Impossible, I should have all the options. BUT I had to re-install my game because I f*#@ed it up installing mods incorrectly. So I'm really hesitant to start digging into files I don't understand... which is basically all of them lol.
Can you not understand how frustrating this is? I'm sure its fairly easy to do when you know how but I don't understand any of this. I can barely HTML code. There is one file I need, instead of just posting a link to it make people do it themselves because that's the fun part. Its like if you were starving but instead of giving you a loaf a bread I give you a recipe and tell you where you can get some flour because hey I like cooking so you should too! I know I'm coming off like a prick but I can't help it this is maddening, I should be playing the game right now not downloading programs and reading tutorials.
I try to not get too much in the business of providing (and hence supporting) installable mods. While it would be great I much prefer the process of discovery, and supporting mods unfortunately takes time away from the more-enjoyable (to me) process of figuring out how things work. I do my best to distribute the info, and am more than happy if others take that info and create more easily installed mods. Really? Are you kidding? I wanna thank you, instead of just downloading the mod and getting back to the game I now have to waist my time downloading 8 different programs and reading a wiki tutorial. Not everyone is a f*#@ing coder, this s#*! makes me wanna rip my hair out. I've been at this for an hour and I haven't gotten s#*! to work. If some one would just post a link to a modded file I would be very appreciative
Thank you so much guys, I am able to fully enjoy skyrim again.
Okay this is a really strange issue, I've recently started playing skyrim with visual mods for the first time and I've got it to a point where it both looks and runs great. I've been playing for a while until I noticed THIS. There's a weird skull rabbit and fingerprint on the lens... Well naturally this is all I can f*#@ing look at now while playing and I can't fully enjoy playing until I get rid of it. Has anyone heard of something like this or know how I can look into what its from and how to get rid of it? The mods I installed were from here http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/30936//? if that helps. I'm using the performance ENB and most of the other listed mod. Also f*#@ whoever snuck this into a mod what a sick twisted yet kinda funny thing to do to someone.
Hey I've been looking for a mod that either raises the amount of enemies or the strength of them. I have the Long War mod added with the 12 squad mate mod but even on Impossible 12 squad mates is just makes it a bit too easy. I really like the idea of having 12 men on the but I feel I need more enemies to make it fair. Even on the Swarming level encounters I can hold off getting overwhelmed fairly easily.
Awesome I got it working with no problems. Just wondering one thing that might seem a little silly now. Is there a way I can increase the alien spawns as well? lol. I'm playing with the long war mod too so that helps but I can't help but feel even on impossible iron man that this amount of troops will upset the balance too much. If anyone here knows or is using a good mod to increase the enemy spawns or difficulty let me know. But seriously good work whoever worked on this, it really is bad ass to have this many people on the field.
Hey I don't know jack s#*! about coding or anything but I was just wondering if this is able to be used yet?
I've seen a lot of people talk about Mighty Dragons and after finally uninstalling Diversified Dragons I wanted to try it but it seems to of disappeared. Does anyone know what happened to it or where I can find it?
Skyrim Crashes at Main Menu after Removing Dragons Diversified
kazzap replied to kazzap's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Thank you so much, while clearing the world cells didn't fix anything your first line was all I needed. I turned off all my mods after removing it and the game launched fine. I then went down the list enabling a few at time and found the problem is with ASIS. I think I might of put a limit on it spawning Diversified Dragons so its probably freaking out now that they are gone. Now I just gotta fix / re-install ASIS and I should be good to go. -
Skyrim Crashes at Main Menu after Removing Dragons Diversified
kazzap replied to kazzap's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Necroing this because I still haven't found a solution Jardin it sounds like you were trying to use a mod that needed DLC before you had it. But yeah still crashed after the Bethesda logo if Dragons Diversified isn't installed. -
Skyrim Crashes at Main Menu after Removing Dragons Diversified
kazzap replied to kazzap's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
When I do this my game crashes to desktop right after the Bethesda logo, the only way I can get it to launch again is re installing the mod. Without the mod I can't even try and make a new game so it can't be the saves. -
Skyrim Crashes at Main Menu after Removing Dragons Diversified
kazzap replied to kazzap's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Any help? -
Title says it all, Dragons Diversified is no longer being supported and has issues with Dragon Born. Problem is I can't uninstall it without breaking the entire game. I tried removing all the files manually then verifying cache with steam, crashes at main menu. Then I tried installing the mod but not setting it in the load order, the game launches but dragons from that mod still appear but have no texture. Any help?
Thank you very much good sir
I'm looking for a mod I saw a few months ago but can't find now. Simple mod, all it did was make it so you could see faces with all the helmets. Helmets like the Ebony and Guards helmets just black out the face, I remember seeing a mod that replaced the helmets with ones with actual openings on the face not just black spots.
I made a post in the mod detective thread but that didn't turn up anything so now I'm here. I've been playing as a male Argonian while using a mod that adds different eye textures. I started the Dawnguard quests and got the vampire form but it changed my eyes, make my skin paler and gave me more fangs. I don't mind the pale skin and fangs but I my character doesn't feel the same with these fairly normal looking eyes. I tried mods that were suppose to get rid of a glow or something but I didn't see a change at all. I just want to be able to switch my eyes back with the showracemenu console command. So if someone could make a mod where you look unchanged in your untransformed vampire state I would really appreciate it.
How about this? Hmmm I don't think this will help you my fiend. You will have to wait till somebody comes up with a proper fix. Did you try the XCE - Dawnguard optional file for the eyes? None of these are doing anything at all. My eyes aren't even changing. All these mods are adding is a single folder with a single file. I tried moving my mod eyes into the folder and renaming it what all the others were named but still nothing, no change in my eyes at all. I guess I should say I'm a male Argonian.
Try this :) Tried it and still stuck with my single set of eyes to choose from. From reading this it seems like it just removes the glow but doesn't allow you to switch your eye texture. I had a custom eye texture with a mod I was using and want to switch back to that. If I could just be able to change eye texture to any of the default character selection ones I think I should be able to switch back to it.
I was using a mod that adds a bunch of different eyes and all was well until I downloaded Dawnguard. I went vampire side and now my eyes have changed and I cannot change them back with the showracemenu command. If some one knows of / could make a mod that lets you change your eyes as the vampire lord I would appreciate it. I don't care about my transformed eyes I just want them back to normal in my untransformed state.
Not too long ago I was recommended ASIS in this thread and its been working great. It says it adds spells from other mods to the NPCs but I'm not sure if I'm seeing them. Honestly I don't want enemies to really have them but I would like to be able to teach followers mod spells. I'm using UFO, Midas Magic and Apocalypse Spell Package. They don't seem to be conflicting and with a tool like ASIS there must be a way to get followers to learn these spells. Anyone know how to do this? Even if its just a console command or ini tweak I would really appreciate it.