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About KHCloud

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    Fallout 4, ARK, The Witcher 3
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  1. There is an update for DEF_UI, might wanna check it out, I haven't tested it yet myself. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/10654/?
  2. It's been a while since I played The Witcher 3, but finally decided to pick up my save and carry on with the fun. I decided to update and see what new mods are out before getting into it, I want to go with: No Dirty Lens EffectThe Witcher 3 HD Reworked ProjectBetter TrophiesWealthy Vendors with Fair SaleAuto Apply OilsAutoLoot - Herbs OnlyWeather Enhanced / Weather Enhanced - ScriptBetter Icons I didn't know at the time but it seems mods work different now? Anyway I installed via NMM, tried to run the game and got a bunch of script errors etc. After some looking around I grabbed Custom Localization Fix, Witcher 3 ModKit and Witcher Script Merger. I merged a bunch of scripts that popped up as conflicts but still can't ruin the game and I have no idea what to do. The current error is Error [modbasescripts]engine\physicsworld.ws(9): Cannot find structure 'SCollisionInfo' to import Error [modbasescripts]game\behavior_tree\tasks\monsters\bttaskmaintainspeed.ws(10): Class 'CBTTaskMaintainSpeed' already defined. Error [modbasescripts]game\behavior_tree\tasks\monsters\bttaskmaintainspeed.ws(74): Class 'CBTTaskMaintainSpeedDef' already defined. Error [modbasescripts]game\behavior_tree\tasks\reactions\bttaskisman.ws(4): Class 'CBTCondIsMan' already defined. Error [modbasescripts]game\behavior_tree\tasks\reactions\bttaskisman.ws(15): Class 'CBTCondIsManDef' already defined. Error [content0]game\cameras\exploration\driftcamera.ws(131): Class 'CCameraRotationControllerDrift' already defined.Thanks for any help anyone can give me with this.
  3. just wondering if anyone found out what caused this? I've got quite a few mods running so if someone has already sourced the issue it would save a lot of time.
  4. some basic diagnostics to be done first such as, does this happen with any other games? try without ANY plugins, including the unofficial patches and official DLC and texture packs. New save game or loading from old. other bigger diagnostics are, reinstalling Skyirim, reinstalling graphics drivers.
  5. After our talk over on PlayFire and looking over what you've already done, I might reccomend detling EVERYTHING from your "Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim" folder, with the exception of the official BSA files. Also back up your save(s) and delete the Skyrim folder from My Games in My Documents. Tell Steam to verify the files and it will then redownload all the missing files, this includes the launcher, the main .esm/.esp's. etc. This is as good as a complete install without having to redownload the massive BSA files.
  6. Thanks for the reply on this but I was meaning along the lines of a script that goes with the container so when the player selects the container they would receive a pop-up asking of they would like their item stored, the script would then take the items and store them. I've seen it done in other mods, I just don't know how to do it, but I have no scripting knowledge.
  7. hmmm I'm in a similar situation, level 12 with this character and no random encounters, reluctant to go through them all one at a time though since like you said, its a hard one to diagnose ...
  8. anyone find a fix for this? *edit* just tested that if I drop my woodcutters axe from my inventory it lets me use the woodcutters block, gives me a message about need an axe but still chops and gives me wood, is there s script missing or something maybe?
  9. I have downloaded the tools but can't seem to figure out how to use it :P where are the tools and .pex file placed for this to extract the information? Thanks
  10. well it isn't on your loadorder list up there int he OP, you may wanna check that out ;-)
  11. I would go through each fo your .esp's and check for a missing .esm, normally the cause of a CTD after the Beth Logo.
  12. I'm still new to creating but I am currently trying to make my own player home mod. I have most of my home complete and trying to figure out thing on my own, took me a while to learn bookshelves :P but I have hit a little bit of a snag that I'm hoping to get help on. How do I make storage containers, chest, etc, auto store certain item like hides/pelts and ore/ingots? Thanks for any help given on this
  13. I tried putting them at the bottom but my loadorder.txt keeps getting reverted back to what I posted, even when I manually edited the loadorder.txt and the plugin.txt Going to try NMM again, only reason I started using Wyre Bash was to merge SkyMoMod and Real Skyrim Wildlife level lists. why disable Immersive Patrols though? I will give your suggestions a try, thanks
  14. I am afraid there isn't that possibility. There are a lot of choices though have a look here: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/4929 and http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/16619 These are the ones I use Thanks, I currently use A Quality Map mod. on a side note, looking forward to WiS returning XD
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