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  1. I'm enjoying followers in Support Survey, so would it be possible to mod spawn followers in regular missions, rampages, etc?
  2. On the Skyrim Nexus site (and I guess a few others), I can't actually filter out any content. When I go into "Block Content" and select the tags I don't want to see and click "Block these tags", nothing happens. It will always say "You are not blocking any tag.". Is the site bugged?
  3. It looks like LAL is indeed the culprit! I deactivated the mod and now the chargen menu shows up without a hitch!
  4. For some strange reason, after reinstalling Skyrim with MO, I am running into a very strange bug. Basically, I would get to the part where Hadvar would call you forward during the execution. But instead of the Character Creation Menu showing up, he just assumes I am a male Nord, and the menu is skipped completely. I have no idea what is causing this. I disabled every single plugin aside from the official ones, and the bug still show up. Only when launching from Steam do I avoid this bug. I am completely stumped as to what could be causing it. ini edit? Skse script? Please help!
  5. Okay, so after more testing, it seems that some ini changes I made no longer played nice with the new Nvidia settings. After getting an new default ini file from steam, the helmet thing went away. :blush:
  6. Tried re-archive invalidating. Doesn't help. I will try to re-save the textures to see if anything changes. Edit: I am now increasingly suspecting that Nvidia driver is causing this - my custom scope textures is now longer trasparent in places where it should have been. My theory is that the new driver updates doesn't play nicely with .dds files saved in a certain format.
  7. Recently, after coming back to New Vegas, I noticed a strange bug - some of the helmets, most notably the various NCR helmets, are now missing their original texture, and instead has a detail-less muddy brown texture instead. The head gear worn by that psychic kid at 188 is also showing a similar bug (the straps of the helmet is now a detail-less pinkish, reddish color). I know this isn't a missing mesh or texture issue - that would have appeared as a red diamond and bright purple respectively, and the game was working fine before this (I added/removed no mod). I also don't think it's a too many mod issue (those tend to show up as red diamonds all over the place). In any case, everything else is showing up fine - armors, skin, weapon. The only change I can think of is that I updated my Nvidia card to their newest driver for some other games. Any help would be appreciated.
  8. Long story short, a few of my custom companions will start to fight one another whenever they are placed into Waiting Mode. So I am forced to disable and enable each of the mod to reset their behaviors. I want to avoid this in the future. If I add a common faction to these companions via FNVedit (e.g. TeammateFaction or FollowerFaction), would it stop companions from randomly attacking each other in the future?
  9. In one of the weapon packs I downloaded, a few of the weapons appear to have 0% hit chance in VAT regardless of distance. Not all weapons - just a few. I've tried to look at the records in GECK and FNVedit, but have no clue what is causing this - the only thing I can think of, "Base VATS To-Hit Chance", has normal values on the bugged weapons. Just wondering if other people have encountered this issue, and can suggest some likely causes. Thanks.
  10. I am running into this bug as well. No idea what's causing it. Tried clean install and rollback to 347.25, tried uninstall and install DA:I. Never experienced any white-screen prior to this. It's getting frustrating.
  11. So as the title stated, after transferring my Skyrim installation into a new computer and installing some heavy texture mod, I'm beginning to encounter instances where the skin of female characters (npcs) would turn completely black (not just discoloration), although faces, hands, and feet are not affected. Reloading to a different save and then loading the afflicted save seem to correct this for some time, as does a full cell transition. I'm curious as to what's causing this. I'm running a 4GB GTX 680 and 16 GB of RAM, and according to Elys Mem plugin, the game never break 3GB of memory, so I don't think its the problem with memory running out. I am running an ENB though, so I'm not sure if that is the cause. Anyway, any assistance would be appreciated.
  12. Narri uses FemaleNord voice, which isn't associated with any particular follower dialogues. To actually make her a follower, I recommend going into CK, duplicate Mjoll's dialogue in DialogueFollower and DialogueFavorGeneric and point them to FemaleNord voice (getisvoice). Then you can use console command or whatever to make her a follower.
  13. Looking around the net, it appears this is a known bug and pops up randomly. It appears the bug has something to do with the way inventory/active effects are handled when you are transitioned to Pelagius' mind. I think there isn't much I can do except to start a new game (since reverting to an old save didn't work out).
  14. Sorry? I play with about 130 mods. It's a little hard pinpointing the specific mod causing the CTD. In any case, as I said, even after unchecking all the mods, the CTD persists. I know that other players (on console and PC) have reported freezing in that particular spot in the quest, but few reports a CTD. I'm really hoping that someone can shed light on the matter.
  15. I'm getting constant CTDs while trying to complete the Mind of Madness Quest. Specifically, the CTDs are happening at the point in Pelagius Wing where ordinary the player is transported into Pelagius' mind. However, for me, the game will instantly crash as soon as I step foot on that transition area. I've seen a few threads where it was mentioned that the game will freeze at that particular spot (the part with the long red carpet and cobwebs). However, for me, the game just outright crashes. I've tried to uncheck every mod, but the game still crashes. I'm not sure what else I can do, or if there is a console command for bypassing that particular section. Any help would be greatly apprecaited.
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