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Everything posted by simplywayne90

  1. We could use more ideas on everything, we've got a few house mod ideas, but how about enemies? Something you'd laugh and then kill in the wasteland? Edit: Actually one just popped up on another thread Feral Mutated Pigs Anyone else got any interesting ideas for mutated animals?
  2. Here while porting over my favorite mods from Fo3, I found this joker outfit, I figured it'd be a good start for your request Jokers Suit
  3. Janes gun would be fun....."I call herr...hmmm.....Vera, shes my favorite" and also notable, and some modder has put some firefly effort into New Vegas appantly by trying to make a summer glau character (Aka 'River') Heres the link, note it looks nothing like her and is naked Summer Glau
  4. While looking through Fo3 Nexus I think I found what your looking for, and porting a mod isn't too hard(But don't upload, you can only port for personal use) Bridekeepers Robes
  5. Sorry double posted, just ignore this one, actually I'll put it to good use and find another noteworthy mod Well to start here are some screenshots that may make you laugh, and possibly inspire a mod or two. I Want to play a Game....Saw Grognak 3000 This one reminded me of Kill Bill Excuse me.....but your on fire Testicle Debug? Arcade And Hitler are Friends?
  6. Speak of the devil heres an interest modders resource that could be used in a lot of funny mods, like maybe an indian burial ground, and ghoulified/zombie indians, (you could include choices for the graves like maybe 1. Respect the dead, 2. Piss on the grave. 3. Dig up and Loot 4. Place flowers, etc.) Obviously depending on how evil you are you will be attacked by npcs carrying these Tomahawk Modders Resource
  7. How bout some silly weapon ideas? I loved the idea of throwing rocks at enemies, I can image a screenshot of something hilarious like that, maybe a huge deathclaw mother or alpha charging down of someone who decides to pick up a rock! Maybe if its made, throwing gnomes? Or a new junk cannon, a snowglobe cannon? maybe beat someone down with a D***o found in an adult shop Or if your a fan of monthy python then you've seen the skit where John Cleese is teaching others how to defend against.....a......BANANA! (He does this by shooting the man in the knee, however thats not the point) Edit: Heres a video for those unfamilar with that skit Hell if you want why not use the gore parts, Ahhh it's coming to get us, I know lets throw bones and human limbs at it!
  8. Here you go heres something that might be a good start for you1 Type 3 and Breeze Mannequin Skin Also heres a place you may want to ask to put them Underground Hideout NV
  9. Here I've found some new mods that might be relevant to this thread, hope these are similar to what you're looking for! Underground Hideout New Vegas Gunrack Modders Resource Type 3 and Breeze Mannequin Skin Hope these are only the beginning of these kinds of mods.
  10. While searching through the lastest mods, I've found a few that could be rather enjoyable and good places for inspriation for future mods, note check these often since there still pretty new and will no doubt need updates! Be A rebel, James Dean Style Robots don't need houses, I'm taking It Victor! This one could be good for spelling out things on screenshots, its similar to shells rain from Fo3 Permanant Shells Funny New Yes Man faces besides emoticons and gary coleman, the second link reminds me of spogebob (which would make a funny face too) Yes Man Faces Packs Yes Man Awesome Face And heres a silly Securitron mod Infected Securitron Invasion Want a beautiful alien babe from beyond the stars to help you, well too bad this isn't it....no not at all Alien Companion Neiila
  11. Also just to tide you over for now, today I found a mod claiming to be somewhat similar until the newer one is released Heres the link Underground hideout It says it has most of the things for the original, and also I've found what looks to be the new version of mannequinns Here: Type 3 and Breeze Mannequin Skin Hope That helps for now
  12. Well heres a start as someone has made an "adult" mod but it is summer glau, or "river" from firefly! Summer Glau
  13. Your in luck theres already a mod exactly like this on NV nexus, you jsut have to search for it, but I've seen it.
  14. Don't forget the gnomes to guard the place, even if thier old stautes rarely found in game. =P
  15. Boomer, I like that idea, and just for funnyness' sake, why not have it surrounded by a small army of gnomes? the damaged gnomes found in game, not actual enemies or npcs. =P
  16. Great ideas hope you inspire a modder or two to make some good house mods, we need some.
  17. Funny enough it doesn't seem like anyones put courier in here yet, How about instead of looking for reveange, our hero just goes on about his business. =O
  18. Yeah I'd like to see this too, someone already requested the iconic purple suit and everything earlier so maybe it will get made.
  19. I remember someone talking about making the godzilla footprint again with a guy holding a stealth boy, it'd be even worse if he had a japanese jumpsuit on and maybe a note like, "I thought I'd gotten away!"
  20. I'd like to say that lately it seems there have been many good simple to make ideas for mods, yet we need modders to make them, so if your not to busy flaming me for this the help would be apprciated!
  21. Links continued Darth Vader "Choke" Mod I love to conquer things. Angry at that song?, shoot the radio and turn it off. Who wouldn't want The King to stick around? The Joker, Vegas, Oh its party time If Clint Eastwood Wore Power Armor This is somewhat relatable to the wax figure musuem mentioned earliar, and maybe working together a great mod could be made. Build A Museum Sneaky Killer Mannequins And thats it for tonight on the links, So please post and reply and keep this thread alive so when can enjoy Fallout more.
  22. Is this supposed to be based off the purple robes in fallouts 1 and 2?
  23. This sounds like a great idea for a simple but immersive mod.
  24. Heres more links Rambos F-A-C-E Bring Back Frank Horrigan the meanest 20ft. tall bastard This next one is probably impossible, but still who wouldn't like to KO a deathclaw and let it get run over by a train? Rebuilding The Railways Dear God No More! Garys Back? Aww mutated rabbits and foxes are so.... This one has been made into a mod already, as I have it myself but still Hoverboard While "porting" any outfits, armors. weapons from another game is illegal, making them from scrath isn't just so you know Red Dead Redemption Outfits Heres 2 ridiculous Rex mod Ideas Rex with Miniguns for Legs Rex And His Laser Eyes! Anyways Moving on, Need Brains, Take someone's, Brain Harvest A Marriage System, Make your own jokes with it. A Fallout Christmas, maybe with a ghoulified Santa and Reigndeer. There is a mod that changes "Mr. House" to the face of "Dr. House" The character from the TV show. Get your minds out of the toliets, and lets add Floaters! to the game Will post More shortly
  25. I have to request this myself since I just came across a thread that inspired a good laugh, Hitlers Hair and Face Request Now be honest, It'd be really fun to blow hitler away with your favorite weapon in Fallout NV. And maybe you could have him respawn, heck why not have a willing speaker of german make him say silly german things as you disentgrate him with your new alien blaster, a retex of the enclave uniform to a nazi one, and ta-da, you can kill one of the most evil men in history for fun all day long! He could be a funny mod, maybe he ghoulified and ended up in Vegas somehow, gives a sad story about how hard hes had it and hes sorry, something silly.....you then proceed to not care and beat him to death with a golf club or machete. =P Tell me you didn't smile a bit! Why not have nazi zombies mods, or have him in the remnants bunker (since the enclave and the Nazis act similar), still I manly want him so to test all my new weapons.
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