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About wert229

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  1. I started a playthrough focusing on explosives and thought a good realistic buff for them would be for them to have an increased blast radius and damage while indoors. I know the game tracks whether you are indoors or not (that's usually correct). I just don't know if the best way to implement this is through a script or adding a perk to the player that does this effect. It would need to work with the Demolition Expert and Splash Damage perks. Ideally it should also have a MCM menu where you can tweak the radius and damage buff to your personal preference. Any thoughts or ideas on how to implement this would be greatly appreciated.
  2. I just started an playthrough focusing on explosives and thought a good realistic buff for them would be for them to have an increased blast radius and damage while indoors. I know the game tracks whether you are indoors or not (that's usually correct). I just don't know if the best way to implement this is through a script or adding a perk to the player that does this effect. It would need to work with the Demolition Expert and Splash Damage perks. Ideally it should also have a MCM menu where you can tweak the radius and damage buff to your personal preference. Any thoughts or ideas how to implement this would be greatly appreciated.
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