Gonna necro this old thread since it popped up when I was trying to find the answer to the problem I just solved and it might help others with the same issue. When trying to add warpaint to newly created npcs in the toolset, the warpaint simply never showed up for me. I knew to export the facegen data with ctr+F4 and everything else worked fine but the warpaint didn't show. The fix is as follows: 1. Go to your C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Textures\actors\character\character assets folder 2. Grab the "tintmasks" folder and drag it onto the desktop. 3. Restart the creation kit. 4. Make the changes, save and export the facegen data with ctr+F4. (remember to set the interpolation value to 1.00 for the paint/paints you want to have showing) 5. Place the "tintmasks" folder back in its appropriate place again. You'll need to drag the "tintmasks" folder back out everytime you want to work with tatoos in the toolset. :thumbsup: