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  1. Gonna necro this old thread since it popped up when I was trying to find the answer to the problem I just solved and it might help others with the same issue. When trying to add warpaint to newly created npcs in the toolset, the warpaint simply never showed up for me. I knew to export the facegen data with ctr+F4 and everything else worked fine but the warpaint didn't show. The fix is as follows: 1. Go to your C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Textures\actors\character\character assets folder 2. Grab the "tintmasks" folder and drag it onto the desktop. 3. Restart the creation kit. 4. Make the changes, save and export the facegen data with ctr+F4. (remember to set the interpolation value to 1.00 for the paint/paints you want to have showing) 5. Place the "tintmasks" folder back in its appropriate place again. You'll need to drag the "tintmasks" folder back out everytime you want to work with tatoos in the toolset. :thumbsup:
  2. I was careful to express that I have nothing against the mods being uploaded and certainly think they SHOULD be made available to whoever wants them. But look at the people who translate the mods. It is usually 1-2 people who are translating the mods for any 1 language. So it would be quite simple for them to create ONE mod called "Czech mod Translations" and simply add all of their translated mods to it as separate downloads. This would be cleaner and easier for Czech speaking gamers to find AND would not show up as a new mod everytime a new translation is made and uploaded. This is really all I was asking for. Anyways I see this starting now and becoming more and more popular (and why shouldn't it?) so in the long run I think it is probably a wise choice for the Nexus to add sub-categories or something similar for the translations as many people here have suggested.
  3. I'd like to ask if anyone else finds it really annoying to have french/czech/german/italien etc. translations of mods spammed across the nexus? I don't dare to think that they shouldn't be made or uploaded onto the nexus...but seriously...can't one make a single mod post called "French mod Translations" and upload all the translated files into that thread? It would make it easier for the interested parties to find the mods anyways right? I'm not trying to insult anyone or be an ass, its just that I think a more efficient approach might be necessary here. I mean it is really starting to get annoying when I look at the recent uploads and get spammed with the same files over and over in different languages.
  4. I had a similar problem myself. It ended up I had a python 27 folder and a python 26 folder. The python 27 folder had the comtypes folder in it but the 26 one didn't. I just copy/pasted the one from python 27 into the correct directory in python 26 and it started up.
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