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Everything posted by davidriggs

  1. To be honest I thought I already had you as a friend xD I did not realize I did not till I wanted to check your profile and looked for your link in "friends" lol...
  2. OOOHHH THAT see you totally misinterpreted it, it is really a metaphor for the current..uh…economy and the…uh…plight of the everyman in…uh…ah screw it yea I totally like shooting people.
  3. Wow I have missed a lot I have been out so long..oh well I’m glad to be back. Oh yea I felt I should add a disclaimer to my new avatar that took me almost two hours to make; DO NOT look at it for prolonged periods of time as it could cause temporary blindness from its shear awesomeness. And yes I stole that line from kung-fu panda…don’t judge me…manly men like me can totally watch pixar movies, their touching and heartfelt and make you feel all warm and tingle inside...
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Odile


      *blinded by badassery*~! Glorious!
    3. Ultrajet


      Welcome back David, your new avatar looks awesome, cool and stylish. You should make me one! j/k Ahh we all miss your comics!
    4. Predator4170


      Will a movie is a movie,you watch what you like. Oh and welcome back, I hope you will post more funny comics in the future. :)
  4. DON'T JINX ME DON'T JINX ME...dang it now I have to google how to un-jinx yourself...oh well...yea even though I still have collage and stuff my job has FINALLY cut me down to under 20 hours a week like I have been asking so hopefully I will have enough time to hang around the good ol nexus more often, I haven't even released a screenshot yet *GASP*.
  5. What would give you the idea I like to do that ;)
  6. Hey man, I know, this is the first time I have checked out the nexus in weeks :( *sigh* I miss it *sniffle*
  7. Hey man, no I haven't given up fallout (3 or nv) but between work and collage most of my free time is spent trying to get a couple hours of sleep xD.

    Want to hear something sad? I still have not even beat NV yet LOL and I preordered it!!!

  8. Merry Christmas dude, hope you have fun :)
  9. You also man, hope you have a nice time :)
  10. Merry Christmas man :)
  11. Merry Christmas dude, cant wait to see the rest of your story :)
  12. Merry Christmas...I know what you mean I have times where I have to figure out how I got some place, though for me alcohol is mostly to blame...
  13. Merry Christmas man...Hmmm a funny Christmas comment, ok um...I uhh...I CANT THE PRESSURE IS TOO MUCH!
  14. Cool cant wait to see it man :)
  15. Oh not much just trying to decide if I should finial start my Christmas shopping or just try and mug Santa....
  16. Hey, looking forward to Christmas?
  17. Hey was just stopping by to raid your fridge...where IS your fridge?..
  18. My steam screen name is Killer Cowboy
  19. Yea I play L4d and TF2 on it...
  20. I love doing nothing. But the problem with doing nothing is people want you to do something. So the only way you can do nothing is to make it look like your doing something which is so much work it ends up becoming something which ruins all your plans of doing nothing...
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. darthboer


      That was awesome dude. I think I'm gonna steal that one.
    3. darthboer


      That was awesome dude. I think I'm gonna steal that one.
    4. starof66


      Been awhile since i been on forms, and i got to say. I am a fan of our for the funny comics of you character's adventures. :)
  21. Hey just stopped by to say hey...so...Hey...I have not been on that much lately because I have been so busy with work and school most of my free time has been used for **head slumps onto computer desk** zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...
  22. Hey man happy halloween to you to man :)
  23. you like that one huh? I did not mean to but do you know how many people I pissed off with that one? xD

    I'm still trying to figure out what my next screen will be and I have to make sure its out before Tuesday (screams in terror)...I dont work good under deadlines...or rules....or file size limits xD...

  24. Italian swears but nothing else...(it cut me off before)
  25. wow you do have a lot to discover i will have to send you some links...As for my next project. Well I'm planning on making a small comic explaining how/why riggs and his girl go to vages. I'm hoping to have it up before the 19th.

    but good night for now I have to get up at 7am and its 1:30 now xD

    Ps. She is Bostonian Italian which basically means she can cook and she knows all ...

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