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About OblivionMan1234

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  1. oooo, i did it in character creation! but honestly, guys i think i pulled it off really epicly! check it out! http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/596995005700912140/93A510D83D1734F48F614E80EC997048F1CAA556/ tell me how i did?
  2. Damn, even with the hair I can't get it right at all... Is there a download that allows more fine tuning when making faces. Like extra sliders? Anybody want to give me some assistance on the face?
  3. oh sweet it actually is perfect, now i can kinda try once more to get the face right, but im still having no luck. im just not good at remaking stuff like that .
  4. Sorry the images broke, they are fixed now. also is there even a hair mod out now that uses something like those in the pictures?
  5. Hey everyone, I have sat for a good few days trying to get the perfect face for my character. But I just cant quite get it right. Basically im trying to make my Imperial look as exactly like Leon Kennedy's (pictures below) face if any of you could help me achieve this, using whatever beauty mods to your arsenal (go wild, and link me the ones you used if you pull this face off) such as hairs/facetextures/yadda yadda. here are some shots of the face i have been trying to create http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/263/c/5/sexy_look_leon_s__kennedy_by_grichu_ada_kinney-d5fe6fl.jpg http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/32300000/Leon-Hot-RE-Damnation-leon-kennedy-32333791-797-525.jpg?1360197596269 http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/287/5/f/resident_evil_6_leon_kennedy_close_up_by_leonkennedyfan1-d5hrng8.jpg any help in this would be really appreciated!
  6. wow i have gotten so much support... thank you all :D
  7. well im hitting off for the night i hope everyone bumps this so others may enjoy it :D
  8. im actually looking foward now to seeing others make 100 ways to die... :D
  9. oh i just love the reviews im getting from around the internet from facepunch to the official critics :D
  10. i agree thank you for your comment and yes 7 was just the best :D
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