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Everything posted by FantasyRaiderr

  1. The one mod for titanic is showing now, but the tomb raider 4-6 remaster mod https://www.nexusmods.com//mods/1/&game_id=7011?tab=videos Isn’t showing still..do I have to wait until the game releases for that one?
  2. https://www.nexusmods.com//mods/1/&game_id=7030 also made one for this game that's also not on here yet
  3. thanks for replying .its not visible by clicking the link or my mods under any drop down . i saved a link https://t.co/XIKnswapgK while i was uploading the file and images to it, thats the only way i can view it. but theres this orange thing that says This file will be published when the game is approved. how long does it usually take for the game to be approved? i tried to upload it 5 or 6 hours ago .
  4. I made a mod for a game thats not on here yet and tried to publish it and it seems like it was going to work but now i cant find it anymore. i read it might take some time for a new game to be approved, but now im not sure how long to wait or if something wrong happened and the mod wasn't actually uploaded because i cant see it in my mods category. it was a mod for the upcoming tomb raider 4-6 remasters. Appreciate any help
  5. Would love to help in any way possible, I’m new to modding but with some help Id love to learn and do this. I have the time and an eye for details so lemme know if your interested and we could switch emails or texting numbers
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