Coyotes would be a very possible secondary predator in the Commonwealth as they are one of the few animals that have expanded their territory in the 19th and 20th centuries. If not the coyote from the previous issues of Fallout series, maybe the more robust coydog or coywolf hybrids (all real, look it up). I am just throwing this out for any modder to look into.
I have unable to endorse some mods, not all, but several where they say that, "You haven't downloaded the mod". On the contrary, I have played those mods for days, if not for weeks and downloaded them through Mod Organizer.
If someone could mod a couple of Italian WWII weapons, namely I would like to see the Beretta M1934 automatic pistol it would use .38 ammo (its a short 9mm that is comparable to a .38). Here's a link to information on it. The other weapon is the Beretta M1938 A submachine gun which used 9mm, either in the 1938 version of the 1944. Again a link to information. Both of these weapons were considered excellent for their types. The M1934 pistol could be easily concealed, while the M1938 SMG was prized by both sides. The Germans continued production of both weapons after the Italian amistice
I would like to request the one gun I see missing in this game and one that would be lore friendly would be the British Sten Gun in 9mm. Its not a glamour gun nor that accurate, but it wasn't meant to be. It was designed to be an easily manufactured weapon that resistance forces could make on their own. The British manufactured them as well for their own troops. Either or both the Mk III or Mk V versions would be welcomed additions. For historical reference, the Sten Mk. V was the standard British submachine gun until the early 1960's and was widely used by the Chinese Army in the Korean conflict.In the Polish museum dedicate to the Home Army (LWP) are examples of resistance made versions. Basically the 9mm smg in the vanilla game is the M3A1 "greasegun" in 9mm with a shortened barrel. Hopefully, we could have the companion weapon added as well.
Isn't using Yesman, the closet you get to running New Vegas yourself, as you usurp House and have Yesman in control of the computer system.Technically you are in control of it through Yesman, or maybe with Yesman's approval.
The one smg that I would like to see is the STEN. It was designed to be easily built in machine shops without specialized equipment, especially by underground organizations. The Mk II and Mk V versions would be good, Its not as flashy as many already in the game, but should be a common gun, but alas its missing.