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ℹ️ Intermittent Download History issues ×


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Posts posted by mikeboydus

  1. I found out those discord servers were nuked by discord. I was able to gain access to those mods again.


    In the US, the VA tries to support us. A lot of it depends on person to person, some people at the VA genuinely care, some are just collecting a paycheck.


    I was later stationed in Germany, first in Schweinfurt and later in Weisbaden. I don't know the differences between how the countries treat vets, but from what I can remember the German government did seem to care more about people in general than ours. Of the all the countries I visited, Germany was probably the best.

  2. I have been on the Nexus for over 10 years. I have been playing Fallout since roughly 2001, when I was stationed at Fort Hood living in the barracks of 3-66AR. In 2013, while deployed, I began to have severe issues with PTSD from combat experiences I had in Iraq and Afghanistan. It got to the point in 2016 where I could no longer function as a member of the military or really society in general.


    As I became more disconnected and isolated from the world, I withdrew more and more into gaming, especially modded Bethesda games like New Vegas and Skyrim. Nexus became like a second home, a place I would check every single day to see what had been released or updated. Mods allowed me to visit and experience things that I could not really do anymore, but also give some form of purpose or accomplishment.


    In 2017, Fallout 4 Game of the Year edition was released and I purchased it on Steam. With mods I have been able to transform it into something that really had hit spots where I could immerse myself and stay occupied in a manner that I constructively enjoyed.


    I would use Start Me Up to begin in the Glowing Sea at the Skylane crash site, starting as member of the Enclave. Other mods like Atlas Summit Redux and Fallout Miami's Enclave Settlement Kit https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/36228 and Brandoman's Enclave National Broadcast https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/36661 helped create a setting that I could fully immerse myself in as a lone soldier, an only survivor struggling in the Glowing Sea. Other essential mods for this were Fading Signal's Campsite, Backpacks of the Commonwealth, Wasteland Wound Care, Agony, and some mods no longer available like Immersive Canteens and Better Immersive Survival, which adds old school rations that break down into components like accessory packs, crackers, meals, and deserts like MREs. It even has little packs of gum, matches, toilet paper, coffee, sugar, etc. Something about this I found really engaging, exploring the Glowing Sea, gathering supplies and eventually making it to Atlas Summit.


    That was only the beginning though. Eventually I would make it to the Commonwealth, usually at Natick Banks. At some point, I would learn about the Minutemen from mods like Minutemen Watchtowers and Commonwealth Supply Caches, leading me to Quincy. This is a very different experience than the vanilla game. Here I would learn about Preston and the Quincy survivors first, seeing their homes, from story breadcrumbs from the survivors and the Gunners. Then tracking them to Lexington, where I would come across fallen Minutemen. By the time I arrived in Concord and rescued Preston, it gave a very different feel to the game. These people had gone through hell, there was a connection to them and sense of responsibility to help them.


    Something about that created a gameplay loop that felt amazing. I had done a few of these, often mixing them up with other mods like Sim Settlements, Thuggyverse mods, and others to see what synergized with that loop. Then the summer of 2021 came and with it chaos. Many of the mods I depended on were now behind the walls of Discord servers. I could no longer get support like I could on Nexus. So I joined several of them.


    Unlike Nexus, Discord is kind of like Afghanistan. Each region with its own local warlords and their own rules, who can ban people on a whim over a misunderstanding. There is no recourse for this, no way to fix it and no way to even know what happened. As of Sep 10th, I find myself now in this position, not knowing what I said or did and having lost access and support for some very major mods.


    Fallout 4 had been getting me through recent events in Afghanistan and from the day I was in Fort Hood tasked with CQ, charge of quarters, duty that day. Where I came in from roadguard for morning PT and my roommate was watching TV and I saw one of the World Trade Centers burning, then a plane struck the second building just as we were talking. Fallout 4 has gotten me through some of the mentally and emotionally worse times in my life. A time where I have become disconnected with all of my friends and family, where the VA's solution is to just heavily medicate me. Fallout 4 helped in ways medication never will.


    I struggle now to return to the game since yesterday. I struggle even to sleep, like my last refuge or Sanctuary from the issues I struggle with was taken away.


    So why did I post this here? Well, Nexus is more or less central in my life. There also really isn't anywhere or anyone else to share this with. I felt keeping these thoughts bottled up, especially on this day, would do far more harm than good.

  3. today :


    My download history

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    I am having the same issue. I can't endorse any mods that I downloaded. Its like my entire download history over ten years is just gone.

  4. I have some requests:


    1. New user interface

    2. Hardcore mode from New Vegas

    3. Repairs and degradation system like F3 and New Vegas

    4. New Vegas style ammo reloading system

    5. Karma/faction system like New Vegas

    6. Character overhaul adding Skills back into the game like F3 and New Vegas

    7. Hunterborn style system

    8. Camping system

    9. Powered Power Armor add ons to the new Fusion Core system

    10. Frostfall style system that uses radiation instead of temperatures

  5. Oh, how I wish I had the patience and skill to produce a mod. I had this epiphany for a mod, a somewhat lighthearted mod, that would change Caesar and his faction to something more canid.


    The changes:


    1. Caesar's likeness would be changed to the likeness of Cesar Milan the Dog Whisperer.


    2. All of the Legion, except maybe members with speaking roles, would be changed to dogs. Not just any dog though, but various breeds. There are mods that add Pitbulls, Boxers, Alsatians, Corgis, etc. I would use them as resources if possible.


    3. Dog helmets and armor based on Legion attire would be added to the dogs.


    4. The dogs offense and defense would be boosted to make up for the lack of weapons, etc.


    If anyone would like to work on this idea I would support them. I can't really provide technical support, but I could provide logistical support.


    Thank you and Ave Cesar!

  6. A type of key that works just like the spells. It would be a one time use only. So a Very Easy Key, would open only one very easy lock. An Easy Key could open Very Easy or Easy.


    Old school RPGs used to have keys like this. They were universal, but limited to one use and by the difficulty of the lock.


    Hm... Are you talking about a key that could open any lock of that difficulty (Such as the spells), or are you talking about something like a, 'Lost key,' that works for only 1 lock, but doesn't tell you what it's for?

  7. Hello, I am trying to figure out if it would be possible to create a mod that introduced random and varied keys into the game?


    The keys would kind of work like the Open Lock spells. They would be randomly found and possibly sold by merchants. They each have a weight of 0.1


    1. Very Easy 7 Septims

    2. Easy 29 Septims

    3. Average 72 Septims

    4. Hard 176 Septims

    5. Very Hard 425 Septims



    Any ideas? Thank you.



  8. Awesome thank you! I am not sure but I imagine implementing the retro interface might require scripting. I am still on the look out for pixel artists to help create that interface though.

    If you need a scripter, I'll be here; I wouldn't mind helping. My Skype username is in my profile incase you want to get in contact that way.

  9. The email is in the process of being validated and when its complete I can finish Yammer.


    The email is [email protected]


    Does anyone know if Kickstarting Oblivion mods is ok?


    I'll probably be making a primary thread on the official Bethesda Oblivion mod forum soon, which means this one will be an alternate. Please don't be shy though, share your thoughts and ideas. Thanks!

  10. Update on sound effects: currently in discussion with artist.


    Also I will be setting up a specific professional email and Yammer network for the project tommorow. Once that is added I will post the information here.


    When more support is setup, a Facebook page will follow to present work on the project.

  11. Hello, I am looking to commission a team for work on what is currently called the Retro Oblivion Project. I am in contact with some pixel and graphics design artists and a chiptune artist to commission them for visual and sound elements. The main issue is implementing these elements into the game, which we will need help with. Of implementing elements, the visual one is the aspect we will need help with the most.


    Current project goals and statuses


    1. OBGE shader: waiting on word from shader creator

    2. Chiptune Oblivion Score: in discussion with chiptune artist

    3. Pixel Art for menus, fonts, load screens, map and HUD: waiting on word from pixel art design

    4. Sound Effects: looking for a creator

    5. Intro videos: looking for a creator


    The primary objective of the mod is to create a retro gaming experience visually and audibly, with design elements that recall both console and PC RPGs of the 1980s. There isn't any goal to work on mechanics, so it should be compatible with most mods.


    I'll be updating the topic with updates as progress is or isn't made.


    Any comments are greatly appreciated! Thank you!

  12. I am curious if I am the only one that does this.


    I bought all of Jeremy Soule's fantasy scores from directsong.com like the Warhammer and Guildwars scores and then went through them and selected many of them to go into the Oblivion music folders.


    They have really enhanced gameplay and since the music is Soule, it sounds like its supposed to be there.


    Anyone else do this?

  13. I've been looking at this Sapphire Vapor-X 5770 1GB card for a while.

    Does anybody know of it/is it any good? The rest of it I thought of getting some generic stuff, but this is the card I really want.




    I have one. Its not bad. Runs Vanilla FO3 and FNV real well. Though the various population mods I have added have dropped the FPS enough that I may need to get a new card. I'll probably get a Sapphire Toxic HD6870, the new model 100314TXSR. Though I may be better off getting another Vapor- X 5770 and running them in crossfire mode.


    I was thinking about just getting two Vapor-X 5770's and running Crossfire, too. When I found out what crossfire was, I was just like, "woah,no way".

    Think it's worth it?



    Price wise I think so. Two Vapor X 5770s from Newegg are $260 total. One 6870 Toxic is $240.

  14. I don't think I'll buy a new rig, but I will upgrade the one I have.


    Currently have:


    Vista 64

    AMD Phenom 9650 Quad Core 2.3G

    8GB DDR2

    Sapphire HD5770 Vapor X


    Will have:


    Windows 7

    AMD Phenom II X6 1100T Thuban 3.3GHz (at least)

    SAPPHIRE Toxic 100314TXSR Radeon HD 6870



    Not sure about RAM yet. I would like to upgrade to 16GB but due to the motherboard it would have to be DDR2. I'll probably be better off getting a new motherboard to use DDR3, but I don't know which one would be best to get.

    If anyone has any suggestions I would love to hear them.

  15. I've been looking at this Sapphire Vapor-X 5770 1GB card for a while.

    Does anybody know of it/is it any good? The rest of it I thought of getting some generic stuff, but this is the card I really want.




    I have one. Its not bad. Runs Vanilla FO3 and FNV real well. Though the various population mods I have added have dropped the FPS enough that I may need to get a new card. I'll probably get a Sapphire Toxic HD6870, the new model 100314TXSR. Though I may be better off getting another Vapor- X 5770 and running them in crossfire mode.

  16. This just started after loading up a saved game. At first I thought it might be a mod I installed or updated. I unchecked the mods and loaded again, but it still happened. I then unchecked all recently installed mods and loaded earlier saves. Even saves at the very start of my game were still affected by the audio issue. I tried setting the volume at default and it didn't help either. I am not sure what to do next. If anyone can help me out I would be ecstaticly appreciative. Thank you.



    Edit: I am using Creative X-Fi set on 5.1 and the sounds had been previously fine on all speakers. I tried the 2.1 change and the sounds have returned to the left and right speakers. So now I know at least its an issue between the game and the soundcard. I will try to update drivers on the soundcard and see where that goes.

  17. If someone can make a BoS Recon Armor replacer for me I would greatly appreciate it.


    What I would like to do is replace the BoS Recon Armor with one of the following armors:


    SpyRodz Presents - Camouflages



    The Concrete Jungle armor




    Dragonskin Tactical Outfit






    DTO Navy Blue, this one I really like.


    If anyone can help me with this I might be able to make a paypal donation. Thanks!

  18. I love the various PDA mods out there, but if someone can make a Bluebird Pidion BIP-6000 handheld computer they will be a mod god. The BIP-6000 is built for military operations and other field applications.


    More information on the device can be found here:



    Examples of wrist cases:




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