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Om nom nom

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  1. Hello, I've been having trouble with this mod since installing my new load order... I have FCOM, COBL+COBL Races, No Phycic guards installed. I obviously have a lot more than that installed but I thought those would be the only ones to cause the issue, I can post my full load order if it will help. Basicly, when I recruit someone, they attack creatures, bandits and Daedra just fine, but when causing trouble in towns, they sit back and do nothing. Occasionally as well during fights they cry out "Guards guards, theres a phycopath on the loose!" ect. I have the Latest version of OBSE installed as well and I am rather stumped. If people have heard of this before, what could it be causing this? Thanks :D Om nom nom
  2. This mod is looking GOOD!! :) I never really was that fond of the Midas system, and after seeing all the vanilla class names like Healer and Battle mage and realising they made so little difference, this mod looks fantastic :) Will download when I get my system working properly... hope too see it finished!! when you say it is no longer modular, does that mean you don't have to download midas/lame ect? keep up the good work, om nom nom :D
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