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About dianacat777

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  1. If anyone here knows the game Prototype and can do a decent imitation of Alex Mercer's voice, I have a companion that I'd love voiced. However, I'm going to be honest up front - there are a lot of lines in my mod, so it could end up being a lot of work.
  2. All right. The sound you want should be located in the your data files, somewhere in Sound. In the GECK, in the mod you're trying to alter, go to Audio and then Sound. Create a new sound and upload the sound file you want from the Data file. Then go to the weapon you want and change it so that it uses the new sound.
  3. Is the sound you want from the base game, or is it from the mod?
  4. Yeah, I saw that, and then it's just nothing. There's no link between any of the individual slides to the next, or anything to display an order of some sort. Thanks for trying to help, though.
  5. Yes, I know - what I mean is, how do I make the slide itself play when it gets to the end? I already created the ending slide images, but I don't know how to get either the 'dialogue' of the slide or the slide itself to show.
  6. So I just finished my companion's loyalty quest and have set about adding endings for him. However, I can't find the script that makes the ending slides pan out, or whatever it is. Does anyone know how to add in new ending slides? I've created the dialogue and screencover in the VEnding quest - I just don't know where to link them from. Edit: Ending slides*, gah.
  7. I figured out my problem - I had the terrifying presence base effect in there somewhere. ...Whoops. The player companion perk only works if it's an entry point perk, and this was an ability. Regardless, I solved the problem. But thanks!
  8. I'm getting pretty confused by a particular problem that's cropped up recently in my mod. When I realized I couldn't add ability perks to companions, I added a spell effect to my mod companion via a script instead. However, now the companion starts fleeing and won't stop until I console command him to resetai, and he starts fleeing again if I fast travel anywhere. Does anyone have any idea what might be causing this? I'm stumped.
  9. I've been modding a companion for a while now, and I've been dissatisfied with his face... but I could never quite place why until I started messing with it again today. Basically, for some reason, it's not displaying the same way in the game as it is in the GECK. I have no idea why this is, but it's like none of the textures to his face will apply. I've tested and made his eyebrows these giant black lines of death in the GECK, and in-game, they're just this soft, pale brown; the same color they always are. So I'm pretty sure there's a disconnect somewhere. For comparison... http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d197/purricat777/GECKtroubleshoot.png http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d197/purricat777/GECKtroubleshoot2.pnghttp://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d197/purricat777/GECKtroubleshoot3.png The first two are how it looks in the GECK; the third is how he appears in game. I'm not using any custom skin textures or whatnot. The eyes are custom, but that's one of the few things that's been working fine. Mostly it seems like it's the textures that won't work. His face seems rounder to me ingame, again, but that might be the lack of contrast in textures. Does anyone know what might be causing this?
  10. Hmm. I like the idea of many werecreatures, but I think it'd be a good idea to stick to creatures mentioned in lore - specifically, werebears, wereboars, weresharks, werelions, werevultures, and werecrocodiles. Things like weredeer sound... kind of pointless, and at that point you're leaving the lore-friendly area. Weresharks and werecrocs, though - wouldn't you have to recreate underwater combat?
  11. I've tested it with both. Neither got a reaction. Although that was a while back, hm. Merits a retest. Edit: Oh! It works now! Sweet, thank you... Is there any way to get it to work on existing files, save resetting the mod?
  12. Ooh, that's a nice mod. Not quite what I'd envisioned, but beautiful retextures. Hm. Shame. I don't think I'll be able to do much, then. I've tried editing only the 'naked' areas of the texture, and applying it only where that spot is used in the model (because it has none of the fur decals attached) but it doesn't look quite right; there seems to be some other property - a shader, maybe - on the werewolf skin that I can't put on my new texture, and it makes visible seams, especially at the knees and shoulders, even if I blend the colors. Doesn't give a great effect.
  13. This is something that I've been thinking about ever since Skyrim came out. I'm always comparing Skyrim's lycanthropy to Morrowind's... and all mechanics aside, it'd be wonderful to have a werewolf skin that takes you back to that game (Very dull dark brown on the back, more tan underbelly which gets very light at parts) It's something I'd honestly do by myself - and I have tried - but the image editors I have access to don't recognize alpha channels, meaning that the fur decals end up having black backgrounds stuck to them. So would anyone make this, if they had time? Or better yet, does anyone know of any online image programs that will let me use alpha channels?
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