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  1. Thanks for the answer :) I don't really know what the problem was, maybe just magic, but after equipping a weapon in the left hand, blocking a few times with it (Dual Wield Parrying) and then equipping the shield it worked again. Like I said I don't actually know what the problem was and how I got it to work again, but what I did was reinstalling DSR and XPMSE, then patching DSR and FNIS. After that I loaded the save and equipped a second weapon, because I was thinking about just using two weapons with parrying instead, but then it worked again. :D
  2. Another day another problem :D Yesterday I closed the game, today I started it (without any changes at all) and now my shields are either stuck on back, floating or invisible. I installed my order according to STEP SRLE and SRLE LOTD, have all patches for DSR, XPMSE, FNIS etc. I reinstalled multiple times (DSR and XPMSE), patched multiple times (FNIS and DSR SkyProcPatcher). Also cross checked a few times with STEP if I didn't miss anything and the meshes of the shields I tried are actually in the folders. I couldn't find anything else what could cause this :/ Everything else works fine with DSR, no problems with shields/weapons below the feet.
  3. After restarting it didn't occur again. If it happens again I'll try it with reinstallation of AOS and ISC :)
  4. Hey there, so I'm 40 hours into my new character and suddenly the sounds disappears with a pop, like when you pull a plug out of your stereo while it's still on. It's not hardware related and only occurs west of Whiterun around Bleakwind Basin to the bridge and up to the Silent Moons Camp, even in the interior. The only things I found with Google were sound bugs back from 2011 or 2012 and since I'm using AOS and ISC (with compability patch) I think it might be a compability problem. The sounds comes up again a few seconds after I'm in the menu or the console, so basically when the game is paused, but disappears with the popping sound as soon as I exit them. Thanks for help in advance :)
  5. Hey guys, just saw that this thread didn't get closed and actually got responses, and I actually "solved" the problem as you can see in this thread, but because some people answered I'm going to respond anyway. I actually never had problems running this amount of mods, aside from savebloat, which was caused by some of the mods on the "dangerous mod list". With 1361 hours of gameplay this isn't my first playthrough for sure :P I actually always added some mods with each playthrough and it ended up with this size, but like I said above, I never had problems like these before. That's the reason why I don't play with any texture mods, not even the High-Res DLC, and even used HiAlgo boost. My GPU sucks and I care more for actual gameplay quality than HD everywhere, if I have to choose. The Steam link is a list of dangerous mods, which is actually recommended to check, because these mods can cause your game to bloat, crash or even worse, although I have to admit that I used some which caused the savegame to bloat. If I would use Steam mods, I would manually add them into my manager and unsubscribe afterwards, so that Steam can't interfere with my mods. Aside from that, the last time I actually used mods from the Steam Workshop was 2013 I think xD Now that's something interesting. Is there a link to this topic, which you could give me? I actually always used CBBE, because of the amount armors and HDT built around this bodystyle, but if it's that dangerous I have to think about an alternative. Would like to read more about that if there is something. Thanks to all for the suggestions, even if this was in the wrong section, but just to make things clear: The cause of my problem was actually OS and HDD related and got me so far to reinstall Windows 7. I think the CTDs and other problems where caused by corrupt files in either System32 or SysWOW64 and from one day to the other I wouldn't even be able to boot anymore. Yesterday I finished reinstalling drivers etc. and now I'm reinstalling Skyrim and some other games :smile: luckily I could recover most of the important lost files which I couldn't backup anymore
  6. Thank you for all the stuff :D I wanted to make a new partition to backup important data, since the last backup was from 2011, but somehow the program messed up (maybe it was too old) and now Windows won't boot anymore so I guess I'll be busy with that for a while. So much bad luck shouldn't be allowed.
  7. I once had that problem that the wrong keys got deleted and I don't even think that it has something to do with it this time, I guess there is not much left to do than either restoring factory settings, reinstalling Windows 7 or upgrading to Windows 10. I don't know if Windows 10 is able to run Skyrim or other older games though. I could also restore a backup from 2011, but that would be as good as reinstalling the entire OS, considering all the updates since then
  8. I tried the "make Skyrim vanilla again" guide before and after reinstallation. I reinstalled about 3 or 4 times and checked everytime if all datas are there by verifying and checking the needed number of datas in the folders. When reinstalling I also completely deleted the \Steam\SteamApps\common\Skyrim folder to be sure that there are no leftovers. I don't really think that it is the game itself which is causing the problem. On the other hand, I checked DirectX, cleaned my registry from errors, reinstalled drivers and checked my system with sfc /scannow. Everything is fine with DirectX, my drivers are up to date and according to sfc there isn't anything wrong with my system. I'm also free of viruses and similar stuff and the only thing which changed is the free space on my HDD, because it got occupied by some more mods. There was an update yesterday and I made a manual update of optional stuff earlier, but aside from that I don't know of anything which could possibly have changed to cause this. I absolutely don't know what else I could do, I even tried some stupid things like deleting and replacing single files after reinstalling, with the hope that it would magically work again.
  9. I never played The Witcher, but maybe I'll give it a try, since I'm only hearing good things about it :) Just updating the present state of my situation: I didn't have much time the last days, but now I put up a load order, which is similar to one which worked before (just added Legacy of the Dragonborn and a few locations to have more stuff to explore) and now the game is in such an unstable state that the Windows loading cursor pops up instead of a normal loading screen when playing a new game. After a short time or when entering a different area it keeps "loading" in this state, but is actually not responding/working anymore. It definitely isn't the ILS issue and it can't be mod related, because of all the other stuff I tried before, related to mods. I'm guessing that when running vanilla with SKSE the problems just don't show, because the game or the system can handle it , but if running with mods the game gets unstable, because of the same problem why my normal launcher doesn't start Skyrim. Seems a bit weird, but I can't think of anything different, because I already tried any troubleshoot i could find, but couldn't find anything about vanilla skyrim not launching which would be connected to my problem.
  10. I think I'll go back to NMM again. Even if it has its flaws, I never had any bigger problems with it and like you said it's easier to overlook and manage. After 4 - 5 days of troubleshooting I just want to play again :laugh:
  11. You should at least read darstylers post :P Copy + Paste: Papyrus log is a scripts log only and doesn't cover anything else, not a crash log. Interpreting Papyrus Log Errors, thanks to Arthmoor.CTDs troubleshooting page on Reddit. depending on what's happening in game, choose the subsections that describe the best your problem.Make sure you're using the good mods >> Dangerous mods list.
  12. I followed the guide and made sure that everything is vanilla. Then I tried to launch with the launcher, but the same thing happens. It attemps to start, but then the launcher pops up again. :sad: When I verify there is always 1 data, which gets downloaded and if I then start the launcher, the hardware settings get adjusted again. Edit: Just used CCleaner to check for Errors and leftovers in the Registry. Actually found some entries from Skyrim, but it didn't help to clear them :sad:
  13. I tried verified earlier and it even said that there was 1 missing data, but it didn't help launching it with the vanilla launcher. I hope this doesn't cause any problems when launching with SKSE. Not using MO, because of particular reasons? I migrated in the from NMM to MO, because everywhere you read that it's better, but it's a bit annoying that the whole loadorder and everything linked to it, like LOOT, FNIS, SUM, etc. have to get linked and launched with MO.
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