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  1. Okay, maybe I am getting closer. I think what I am looking for is something to do with INNR perhaps. Again all I need to do is apply a name via a legendary mod to the weapon when the mod attaches. I could send the file if someone would be willing to error check it. I really cannot seem to figure out what I am missing.
  2. Hi, I need a little help I am trying to learn how to mod and it is coming along well but I have hit another wall. I am trying to take a mod that adds legendary effects to gear and a mod that makes them detachable and re-attachable to share functionality. I needed to make a change to one of the in game mods from legendary overhaul as it shared the same name and functionality as something from Legendary modification. However when the new in game mod is not attaching a Effect name to the gear piece. in other words, I take a piece of armor, say a leather chest piece, and apply the legendary effect to it called Cavalier the armor is now labeled cavalier leather armor. Mine does not, actually it seems to be with some of my attempts to be just not attaching the the word, or some of the edits it seems to be called by one of the other effect names. After looking back at my most recent work, it seems all of the effects from legendary overhaul are using the incorrect name:( For reference the name I am changing is acrobat's to tumbler's, so it should be tumbler's leather armor instead it is defiant leather armor. Defiant is a legendary effect name from one of the mods. I think it's legendary overhaul. SO the big question is What am I missing? where does the naming occur and what do I need to edit that I have missed. these are the mods for reference http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/4042/? , and http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/15959/? , that's legendary modification, though I am using the update that the original author suggest as made by another use, and legendary overhaul respectively. Again these are just for reference.
  3. i actually accomplised what I was trying, I did not esm'ify the new file, just added it as a master. The original override worked a treat. Thanks for the help again good people! DC
  4. Well no, i did actually set my new mod (override.esp) as the active. The Original mod has a great amount of stuff and I do not want to edit all of it, just the constructables consisting of the formulas for creation of the in game items. I want this to only override certain aspects. I would like it to be in the new file but be the only version of the formula in game. I suppose it would have to be set to have the original as master for it to have any chance of working since without it the file would do nothing so I will use the Chucksteel method and see what happens. I hope to be able to not have to ask any more question, but that is not likely. Thank you for all the info. DC
  5. Thank you demanding, that is correct. I jsut got back from doctor so this is the first time I have seen this. Will the above method work to make it so that I only see the new recipe? DC p.s. it is She by the way.
  6. I am trying, for my own play purposes and learning trying to edit the formulas from http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/4042/? and have them appear in a new ESP. When I do the edit in construction kit it seems to look right, then in game a new option appears on the list that is the same option with my formula. The first and original is still there. I cannot for the life of me understand why that would happen. If you can help or explain please, I would be very grateful. DC
  7. 1:So I want to set it so that certain items only spawn on certain NPCs rarely 2:Can I set items to spawn on a NPC if the gender is correct. Perhaps even make it less likely if the gender is correct? I assume the first is possible and the second not as likely since i don't think i have seen anyone do that. The help as usual is appreciated DC
  8. Woohoo, I think I got it. I may have to backtrack a little to see exactly how to do it again but it seems to work. I may write a description of how I do it and someone can take and make it more efficient. I want to thank you for your help! DC
  9. I hate to, but my brain is burned, but I need to ask for some/lots of help. I can make heads nor tails of this. I am totally new and maybe I have bitten far more than I can chew. Would it be possible for you or anyone else to help me by creating either a tutorial on what I need to do, or a simple no extras mod that has what needs to be done in it. I could use FO4edit to see what is being done, and where. I would seriously appreciate it. DC
  10. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I can't do anything with the data till sometime tomorrow, but this sounds like what I need. I am also trying to add scrap to some clothing items. To be clear I am making a clothing item compilation and adding stuff to it. So these pieces don't have scrap data and I want to add some. So my question is would this be similar? I would assume so based on my terribly limited understanding. I really do appreciate the answer already. DC
  11. This may already be covered however i cannot find it. I am totally new to this and am really very inexperienced so forgive any ignorance. I want to add scrap information to inventory items like clothing from a mod. In my experiments I have been able to move some some creatables from one type of workbench to another and add new creatables to a workbench. I just do not see how to make them destructable so that they output materials. Any help is appreciated, thanks! DC
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