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About danmegs

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    COD & Tes IV

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  1. All good man, nothing wrong happened by following your steps. Just didn't really help, but i think it might just be a problem with the bones. I'm trying to fix it right now, and if i can't, i could send you the files. What I'm doing now is exporting all the pieces seperately, and it seems to be working alright so far for most bits.
  2. Thanks, but nothing you said seems to have worked. If anybody wants, i could post up the actual Nif file for them to have a try themselves? If so, and if you manage to get it working, please do not upload it without permission :)
  3. I have recently made a new armor mesh using blender, and it works perfectly with Nifscope. But when i try to use it with the CS or actual Oblivion, pieces don't show how they should. Any help or advice will be taken in with gratitude. Thanks :)
  4. Thanks guys. sorry if i made this unclear, but i'm fine with unwraping, just really needed help with the texture itself. anyway, i decided i might have a try, but with a little editing with google and a few default textures. anyway, heres how it ended up :)
  5. I personally made a sword model that i wish to add to oblivion in a mod. Although i am quite good with modelling (so i believe), i am no good at texturing what-so-ever! Basically all i am asking is for somebody who might be able to add a texture to this weapon that i spent a number of hours working on. I made the sword using blender, though i did export into a Nif file, so anybody with a way of importing nifs using any program should be able to use it. and i havn't added UV unraps yet (i see this as a part of the texturing. somebody working on a texture will most likely unrap it differantly). i'll have a picture attached to this and the nif file itself. any small texture work would be greatly appreciated. thanks
  6. thankyou! :laugh: i got everything working in game, just need to change a few things with the bones. other than that THANKS!!!
  7. well yes i have got a _n file for all of my textures, but not working. i cant seem to find anything wrong with the mesh =/ got any suggestions on what to do, ill follow, thanks
  8. I made a really nice cape, but in game its invisible. its in the amulet slot, ive tried the tail slot, nothing works. the mesh has 2 pieces and 2 different textures if this helps
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