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About plopk45

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    United Kingdom

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  1. Good to see you back Josh, there's the sonic screwdriver at the moment, but that'll be coming down just before the christmas releases. I'll keep you updated. Sweet thanks man, this is GUNNNA BE AWSOME!!
  2. Sounds good DMG, good to hear things are going well with the mod, awww just like before the excitement is building up again, i still cannot wait man..... by the way are there any Fallout who mods out already, because i really dont wanna miss any.
  3. Man im psyched, remember when i first came across The last child of gallifrey post, and i saw the first screenshots of it, i was completely shocked the first time because it looked so great and really similar in terms of model, but hey the day is finally here and im glad to be here to celebrate the realease, and i really cant wait to download and play it, DMG its been time worth using i can asure you, so thanks for everything, oh and ps i hope everything is going great for you at your new job man! ;)
  4. hmmmm is this topic yet again a ghost town.....and ooooooo the mod is just out of reach its soo close i can taste it dude
  5. its 11:28 am here in the uk at the momment so i hope its soon
  6. AND THE TIMER HITS the big 0 its 12:00 o clock!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
  7. I really cant beleive its only 2 hours till release, i think this is all a shared momment for evryone who has been following this forum, personally i check it every day as do other people. just to clarify DMG are you going to release the mod when it hits 12 o clock or wait til its morning,
  8. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, DMG YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SORRY FOR THE SPAM BUT ITS JUST THAT BIG, but acting more seriously, DMG thank you for giving us a date to look forward to mate =) thank you
  9. Demeggy i agree with you, anyone who dosent live in the uk, well lets just say your in for a big surprise folks,woooo,wowoooo lol :whistling:
  10. glad to hear man :thumbsup: and yes the trip was very enjoyable, must go down there more often, i wish lol.
  11. Sorry DMG, i know its a bit late but happy birthday, i have been away for a while visiting some friends in ireland, but hope your feeling more relaxed mate :blush: anyway, just read the blog and glad to hear your back in business and yet again i cant wait for this MOD!!!!!!! :thumbsup:
  12. ah sorry dude but atleast you have somthing to look forward to, and i have just finished it now....its really awsome krudd, just like a real doctor who episode you would expect to see on the tv, just its a game! seriously its worth waiting for.... well depends on how much you like it.
  13. hell yeah i am downloading it just now....cant wait and sorry to all those other people whoa rent able to download :confused:
  14. just go onto bbc i player then you could prbably get, the one you missed and the one that we have already seen?
  15. ah man this looks awsome.....cant beleive you have made the dream come true DMG....yet again well done mate :thumbsup: and now im basicly....jumping with excitement...well obviously not but you get the general idea lol.
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