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About vishiousx

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  1. Steyr AUG PLEASE MAKE ONE... that is all.
  2. is this what you're talking about? http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/48375/? I don't know what mod you're referring to, but the latest version of SkyUI has the ability to let you define equipment groups, which can include complete outfit sets, and let you switch between them with one keystoke. what i used before was a mod by itself, that was a while ago. I didn't know skyui had it maybe they added it since then, thanks.
  3. the last time i really got into the game and downloaded a whole bunch of mods, i used a mod where you could set up outfits to quickly switch to them with a set key. I can't remember what it was called and i've been looking for it for a while. but i think i remember that it wasn't a very stable mod, so is it stable now? also is there another mod like NPC clothes changer and maintainer (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/11662/?) that was maybe updated more recently than 2012?
  4. There was a mod a couple weeks ago that was on hot files on the Homepage. It lets you control any NPC and keeps your original character as a follower. You can change anything about the NPC and it will stay even when you're done controlling it. I meant to try it out a while ago but I stopped playing the game for a couple weeks and can't for the life of me remember the name of it or find it anywhere. Someone please help me out. EDIT: I woke up this morning and somehow the name of the mod came to me. If anyone else is looking for it, the mod is called Alternate Actors http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/36047/?
  5. i dont understand what's going on. i have male and female body replacers, ren beauty pack and a couple of custom races. most of my custom races are completely fine, but others and all of the original races wither have completely black eyes, or no eyes at all and you see behind them. can someone please tell me how to fix it? thanks
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