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Everything posted by liambda

  1. honestly, i think it's better to wait for a real F4SE update, since fix (if they is any) may hide some unforseen bad behaviors. We cant download pervious version from silverlock anymore. Coul you upload it somewhere? 1.6.9.f4se.
  2. I did that method too, and it didn't work for me either.
  3. open your F4se.ini file make sure its listed as RuntimeName=Fallout4.exe, I had that problem once before I don't have it. Not in the main folder nor in AppData\Fallout4 folder. Not sure what windows your are using, but for windows 10 its steamapps, common, fallout 4, data, f4se. You should see it listed there. and make sure your have your file manager on show hidden files Could you upload it somewhere, please? Or should it just make it with notepad?
  4. open your F4se.ini file make sure its listed as RuntimeName=Fallout4.exe, I had that problem once before I don't have it. Not in the main folder nor in AppData\Fallout4 folder.
  5. Since the 1.7.9 update game just doesnt start. The process starts, i have a loading circle for a couple of seconds, screen fades to black but it never launches the game and the process dies in a couple of seconds.
  6. Man! This is actually AWESOME!!! In the concept it looks kind of merge between Iron Man's armor and Dr. Doom's costume. I guess it's like Tony teleported somehow to Tamriel and needed to make a new set with local (maybe Dwemer) tech. The keys are rivets and leather strips) But it's my humble opinion, you did a great job so far! Keep up the good work! I'm very glad that you actually did it! ;D ;D ;D
  7. Spread the good word everywhere you can! :biggrin:
  8. Check out my idea of Nordic Iron Man Armor http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/925845-iron-man-nordic-armor/
  9. Yep, i got it. Thanks, man)
  10. I searched nexus for iron man armors and didn't find any.Could you help me out?
  11. I just need to spread the idea, but i don't know how.
  12. http://cs411322.userapi.com/v411322058/5439/ZL3W6pkJeoc.jpg I found this amazing artwork while sufving the net, and thought that proper, lore-friendly Iron Man armor is not a bad idea at all. So if someone wishes to make this thrilling set of armor i'll be very glad, and i guess a lot of players will agree with me. It's very likeable in Skyrim to have full body set of heavy armor, with fur and rivets, with that unique Iron Man-esque threatening face mask and combining it with poverful repulsor-like spells will make it the ultimate armor mod on Nexus, i bet ya. Hope it'll be noticed and someone will pick up the idea. It's not mine, of course, and artwork belongs to it's respected author, but it's in the air, in the water, in the nexus... i feel it.
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