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Everything posted by tomfrankly

  1. I'm trying to make magicka regenerate while the player is casting spells. I'm not sure how to go about this, but I assume it has to do with creating an invisible quest which has a script attached. I'm pretty clueless about how to do scripting in the Creation Kit, but I do have programming background in Java and C, so understanding the code itself shouldn't be a problem. Here is the script I started (it doesn't compile). Once the script is working, how do I get it running during the game? Scriptname tomfranklyRegenWhileCasting extends Actor Event OnInit() ; This event will run once, when the script is initialized RegisterForUpdate(1) GotoState ("polling") EndEvent State polling Debug.Trace("Polling!") While (player.iscasting > 0) Debug.Trace("CASTING!") endWhile EndState State active ; Do nothing in here EndState
  2. hi. In the past I've used the sca combat mod which includes a modified animation to make blocking no longer recoil. For a long time I've been wanting to find or make a mod that did something similar with spellcasting. I feel that the delay between button press and spellcast really takes away from the spellcasting experience. Can you tell me if this is possible and maybe how to do it? I've tried fiddling with stuff in nifskope and got some interesting results, but, honestly, I didn't know what I was doing. In short: Can spellcasting be modified so the spell is used the instant the cast button is pressed?
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