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About TheDragonEpmperor

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  1. Every one who playin skyrim as a Beast race will like this Yeah
  2. And actually very fun to play as a bbig and furry griffon or a rabbit or and maybe one of thebig birds or the small one
  3. MODS ARE MADE TO CHANGE THE THINGS THE GAME DOES AND PUT MORE IN THE GAME NON-LORE OR LORE FRIENDLY AND THIS IS NON LORE AND LORE ANTHROPOMORPHIC BEAST RACE MODS All laces can fit in every games in the Universe And i'm asking you and others on this forum seein this How many Mods here in prosent is Lore Friendly here? Answer me that and one more thing THE MODDERS DON'T CARE IF THE MODS ARE LORE OR NONLORE THE PEOPLE REQUESTING WHAT EVER THEY WANT TO BE AS MODS DEAMIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. I could Fit the Game Very good yeah all the Arctic and winter beasts races can fit to the game
  5. yeah Sergals do fit in the Game very well and i really hope the mod goes in for people and been made
  6. There is a druid mod on Oblivion i hope the druid comes to Skyrim too
  7. I really liked the chuhrai race mod so much i wish someone could make it on Skyrim here is the like to the mod Chuhrai Race I wondering Some one can make it
  8. i like the ideah, but this reminds me another one's request of the same ideah here..... I don't know but i hope this goes great
  9. I know about the mod you send http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=13561 My friend It there other Beast race mods Who is Not Lore
  10. this mod looks very cool to have and i can't wait to have it I have played though it... eh well allmost everything on it it will be cool to change a bit on the main quest thingie
  11. Nice thank you Is it more on the Beast Race is playable on NN2?
  12. Have you More Non-Lore Ideas Folks please Write it here and the Other Anthro Race Topics i Made the Ideas You Came in Light
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