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Everything posted by Zygen360

  1. Pretty interesting to see, I don't know how much i'll use it, as I haven't done much discussions related to lore really before regarding Skyrim, but it's still interesting to see the comparison of Nirn compared to our world.
  2. Eh, i don't feel personally it's a necessary change, not only is it really not benefiting(but probably hurting) the realism of things, but it's just such a small change that I feel it won't affect much anyways, especially since the actual weight isn't changing anyways. But honestly just looking at it, I doubt 1 ingot would work even at the current size for many of the items, much less a smaller version. Just my thoughts.
  3. It personally never really bothered me that there is no numerical value, mostly because I'm not really super concerned with the best way to get to 100 in X skill or anything. It's just not the way I play. But then again I can't say I'm opposed to the idea, I suppose if a modder feels like doing it(assuming it's possible) then why the heck not?
  4. The modding community is literally why I bought skyrim for PC after owning it on Xbox. And it's worth every penny especially because of the modders and what they do! So yeah, modders are pretty awesome :p
  5. Well, I kinda assumed becoming a vampire would disallow progress in the dawn guard quest line, so I never had this problem, but if I do and don't have another save, I may try this. However just to be aware there is a seperate quest line that is somewhat similar that you can do as a vampire Instead of under the dawnguard, if you want to be a vampire and still complete the DLC.
  6. Well, technically it's in violation of copyright laws, so if you use screenshots from the game there is no question that if Bethesda wants they could get you for copyright. Of course will they really care? Idk, depends upon your use of it, if your not making money, and it's not really that popular a game, then I doubt Bethesda would bother. However I personally think you shouldn't use them, due to the risk associated with it, because if Bethesda does something about it you could get in some pretty big legal troubles. Plus idk how people will look upon your game is your just using screenshots from skyrim. It'll make it look really unprofessional, and most likely making your own cutscenes from scratch will not only make you look atleast better as a developer, but you will also learn the skills to help you become better as a game developer. And much less worries in terms of legal troubles. So overall, while you may be able to slip by using screenshots from skyrim, it's going to be a much better option in my opinion to simply do things yourself. Good luck regardless.
  7. If I recall correctly(it's been a while since I've done that fight) you have to use dragon rend in order to kill him. Basically just spam it as often as it wears off, so he stays grounded. I think that's how it works if I remember right.
  8. Well, the Stormcloaks aren't really to hip on other races besides the Nords typically, so just by that while you can join the Stormcloaks, I feel like it makes more sense to join the imperials. That's really the only reason I can come up with.
  9. I don't really have much in the way of real set rules I can think of, I kind of just do whatever I feel is right for the character or situation or whatever most of the time. One thing I do tend to do however is only play Elf type race characters, so basically I only play Dark Elf, High Elf, Or Wood Elf's. Atleast generally speaking. I will play another class on a rare ocassion to test something, or for fun or something, but typically the characters I play regularly are all Elf's of some type. This is really not that big of a deal even as far as feeling hindered ever, besides with melee warriors of any type really, because Elf's don't really have any Elf races that benefit melee users. They have High elf for mage, and Wood elf for archers, but not really anything for melee. Although I normally just play dark elf, since they have the fire cloak thing, which helps sometimes. I do kinda wish there was a melee based elf class of some kind sometimes, I haven't really run across any mods for such a thing, but whatever, it's not really a huge hindrance, I usually get up to speed relatively fast in my melee skills. And I hardly notice the difference. I try to avoid fast travel, but sometimes I still do it, sometimes I just don't feel like walking super far, or at all really, and I just fast travel, it kinda depends on my mood, sometimes I feel like exploring, and other times I don't. I usually have separate characters for all different classes, so for instance I have a mage character, and a archer character, and a melee character, and sometimes I get even more in depth and make stuff like necromancers, and Paladins, and stuff like that. I try not to make myself OP, so anything I feel is just kinda broken I try and avoid, that said I still play on Adept difficulty, so maybe I should just up the difficulty some. The funny thing is I kinda suck, so even if I was "OP" i might still die lol. I usually only join like 1 or two different groups, but it depends upon the character and group. Of course, most of these rules I don't even always follow, so there more just tendencies, not set rules really. My rules kinda change depending on my mood and character. And I also have some completionist tendencies at times, so I need a character who I can complete whatever questlines and stuff for. Of course I doubt I could complete skyrim really, and even then I'm sure with mods and new characters I can still have fun playing ;p. Overall I just do whatever I find enjoyable, whether it be enforcing rules, or not.
  10. Oh wow, that's all? Sweet, gonna go do this then, thanks!
  11. I just randomly thought of this, and to my knowledge I don't think there is any mod that does this. I'm sure everyone has started atleast one other game than their first game, and i'm sure we have all had to read all of the tutorial messages you get for the first time you do whatever action. Now this is fine the first time, or two maybe, but after that it's just kinda annoying. And unfortunately to my knowledge I can't toggle it off(Maybe I can and I'm just really dumb or something though... Hopefully i'm not quite that dumb ;p.) and it can sometimes get annoying. It's not really a big deal overall, but it'd be nice if there was some way to turn them off, and I haven't seen any mods for it, so I figured i'd suggest that maybe a simple toggle for this to be turned on and off could be added? I assume it's possible, even though I don't have any actual knowledge on modding, but there have been many more complex things done, so I can't see why it wouldn't be possible. Or maybe it's already been done, and I am just unable to find it, if that is the case I apologize. In any case, thank you for reading, and even more thanks if anyone can make this, or point me to a mod that does this.
  12. I have zero knowledge of modding personally, however I think that it would be possible judging from other mods I've seen created. I suppose it's a matter of if anyone wants to, or if we want to talk lore friendly, if it's really even that. I mean most non mages seem to fear the college if I remember correctly, and so they don't typically associate with non mages. In fact I don't know if I remember any non mages in the college of Winterhold from my somewhat sloppy memory right this minute. Even then I don't know if it really makes sense for them to want, or need, a guard or mercenary, I mean they're all mages, so I assume most can handle their selves, anyone who would do any type of guarding is also a mage, so it might be not so much lore friendly for such an implication to be added. Of course not everyone is concerned with lore, so it's not a reason it can't be done or anything, just maybe less likely. But I think as far as the technical aspect goes it should be possible, however I personally don't have the knowledge to know 100% sure, much less the knowledge to actually do it, but if someone was willing, i'm almost positive it's possible.
  13. I think this mod may do something sort of to the effect of what you are saying. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52019/? It is called the "Follower Commentary Overhall" I don't really know for sure if this is exactly what you want, or how exactly it works, but from what I've read it seems to be somewhat to the effect of what you are describing. I don't believe that there are actual voice actors, but just voice files already in the game used for the followers, but it still is suppose to add more conversation with them or something. According to what I take from the description.
  14. Soul trap is used before killing the target, it puts a sort of debuff or effect or whatever you want to call on the target(assuming they don't resist, which I find most don't) and for a certain amount of time afterwards(I can't remember the exact duration, says on the spell I think.) if you kill the target in any manner you will fill a soul gem(assuming you have a large enough empty one. Good luck and hope that helps!
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