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Posts posted by Shattersphere

  1. I know you probably did... but are you sure you installed them correctly? Also, did you enable them in the beginning screen?



    I dunno, all the races I installed worked.





    Wait a second... shouldn't this be in the technical section?


    Seeing as how the game is like 9 years old I had doubt that anybody would be going to the technical section part of this forum much.


    One of the race mods instructions is "To install the plugin, unzip the files into the Bethesda Softworks

    directory", so I did just that, clicked the .esp, loaded up the game and it wasn't available. Next up i manually extracted the meshes and textures folders to meshes and textures but that didn't work either. Finally i Took every texture and manually placed them in textures and took every mesh and manually placed them in meshes but STILL it didn't work.


    This is the hardest to mod game I've ever had, what's even worse is that when i extract to Bethesda/Morrowind/data it extracts to an app-data version of that address which is invisible and incredibly hard to access!


    Any ideas? :confused:




    Well I suddenly had a epiphany/flashback and realized that when i first installed Morrowind back in the day, it wouldn't work on the C, drive so I put my current Morrowind in the C drive and now it works. It's amazing that I hadn't seen this problem anywhere on the internet, sigh.

  2. I've installed a few custom races but when I get off the ship to talk to that guy that asks you what race you are, none of the custom races show up. I'm 100% sure I must have installed at least one of them right so it can't be that. I've also tried "enableracemenu" but they didn't show up in that either. Finally I saw something called the "Custom race fix" with like 175,000 downloads but when i put that .esp in my folder my game said it wasn't an .esp.


    Any idea what's wrong?

  3. I've always thought that magic could be so much more customizable.


    For an example think of fire damage, it comes out in the form of either a fire ball or a fire touch but it would be great if they could make it possible for

    -Fire cone,

    -Fire beam (think "Agannazar's Scorcher" from Baldurs Gate)

    -Fire shield (That will cause fire damage to enemies that get to close to the user)



    Also have fun at Bethesda Studios :D

  4. I've spent a while messing around with the ingame sneak values that I could make my footsteps louder (So if i were to be walking 1mm behind somebody jumping up and down they would "detect" me) but no matter what i change I can't get them to detect my footsteps.


    The formula is SUPPOSED to be "Movement Sound = ( fSneakBootWeightBase + fSneakBootWeightMult * armor weight)" but i changed all those values to be incredibly high but it makes no difference.


    Any ideas what's wrong?

  5. Depends on how severe, it could just be texture filtering causing it. Try turning up or down Anisotropic Filtering and see if it fixes it. If its off, turn it up, if its on, turn it down or off.


    What kind of video card do you have? Is it a Radeon? Try disabling "Adaptive Antialiasing" in the catalyst control panel which does antialiasing of transparent textures like grass.


    I originally had full specs on for NV and so i turned off anti aliasing and antistropic filtering but it made no difference. I have a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260 so i don't know whether that would have "adaptive antialiasing" (the catalyst control panel is specific to radeon only?).


    Thanks for the reply btw :)

  6. Is there some sort of fix for the bug where rocks (the ones classified under "Object LOD Fade") clip clip in and out of the mountain in a jittery/stuttery way even when not moving? If there isn't a fix then if anybody knew what caused this bug, I could try and fix it myself and then release the fix as a mod.


    Thank you for all replies

  7. Thanks for the reply, I'll give it a try although I think I may as well start a new game and then visit the NPC just to be 100% sure. I'll post the results when I'm done.


    EDIT - Also note that i can change the NPCs name and add specific weapons and armors that aren't in a leveled item box to his inventory and he will have them. It's weird because the leveled item box I'm using works for some NPCs but not others even if I don't start a new game.


    EDIT EDIT - Yay it worked thanks for giving me the idea :D

  8. I've been trying to edit a specific NPC at Nelson (a "LegionRaiderHRifle") and I add a leveled item box containing armor and then remove his old armor. I've also made sure that the template inventory is turned off. When I go in game this NPC has the same old armor even though it isn't in his GECK inventory or even in his templates inventory (and this isn't a mistake in the leveled item box).


    Please submit advice if you have any and as always, help is greatly appreciated :D

  9. Usually its a matter of dps/damage - NPCs will favor higher numbers generally speaking


    Also, make sure you include ammo, one bullet will give them infinite ammo unless you check the npc uses ammo (not recommended as they burn through shots quick).


    Don't know why you got to nerf the poor NCR boys even more, unless you boosted the pistol dramatically.


    Thanks for replying


    If DPS was the only problem then the pistol would win so i can rule that out as the sole problem. It might be the no ammo thing but i could swear that I've killed NPC's that use weapons even if they don't have ammo for that weapon, but i could be wrong.


    Also I'm not actually nerfing the NCR, my mod is to massively boost all the NPCs in the game by giving them more unique and powerful weapons so that they are harder to kill because i reckon its way to easy to kill people even on insane mode. The 10mm pistol is just a test, they wont equip anything. I'll try giving them a 10mm bullet and see if t works.




    Yay it worked! Thanks for the help and good luck with all your future mod projects :D

  10. Here's the situation - I've changed the contents of the "CondNVServiceRifle" leveled item and replaced the service rifles with a 10mm Pistol. I save the changes and then go into game to see a NCR trooper with a knife equipped. I stand at a far distance and shoot him, and instead of taking out the 10mm pistol to attack me at long range, he runs all the way up to me with a knife.


    The question is either why did this happen




    What criteria needs to be fulfilled for one weapon to be equipped over another


    Help is greatly appreciated

  11. Thanks for the help guys, I'll test what you said then reply




    I repeated the test i did in my original post except i made the damage values of the gun super high and now it is being equipped by the NPCs! :D

    Thanks again for all the help guys now i can finally finish my mod :thumbsup:

  12. I've been trying to equip NPCs with custom guns but for some reason they don't equip them. I know for a fact that the heart of the problem is in the model of the gun because when i go into the stats of say a 10mm SMG and replace the model of the 10mm SMG with my custom gun the NPCs won't equip this gun.


    Any ideas what the problem could be?

  13. Its amazing that there is practically no helpful information on how to successfully merge plugins in FONV on the internet anywhere. Please write a short tutorial if you know how.

    This is the best FO3Edit tutorial available out there and it should apply to FNVEdit as well because it is almost the same program. This is the most important tool a modder can have!



    Yeah I've looked through the parts of that faq that had "merge" in them and none of them specifically gave a tutorial on how to "merge plugins". I don't suppose you'd know whether there is in fact a part of the faq that actually talks about that?

  14. Hey I've been spending a ridiculous amount of time looking into this topic and i have found out how to merge plugins. Ill make my own little tutorial.


    1) Download FNVEdit (http://newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=34703)

    2)Extract it

    3)Run it and it will come up with a list of all the .esp's in your FNV data folder

    4)Select the Master file and all the .esp's that you want to merge

    5)Right click on anywhere under the "Form ID" part and select "Create Merged Patch"

    6)Call it what you want your mod (with all the other mods in it combined) to be called (e.g. Supermod)

    7)Click the + next to one of the mods that you want to put into you Supermod

    8)Right click on whatever is under the "File Header" and select "copy as override into" and then choose your Supermod

    9)Repeat step 8 for every part of the mod you selected (Ingestibles, armor, weapons, etc)

    10)Repeat step 9 on all the other mods you want to add to your Supermod

    11) Once everything has been override into your super mod click the exit button and it will come up with a little thing that you then click the green arrow on and then you're done!


    Of course this tutorial isn't perfect but it teaches even the biggest noobs (like me lol) how to merge plugins.

  15. I've been searching the internet for seemingly forever trying to find a useful guide on how to merge two fallout:New Vegas plugins but they are all either showing me how to merge FO3 plugins or they are telling me to use FO3 Editor even though they never explain how to use FO3 editor for FO:NV. Can somebody please give me a short guide on how to use FO3 editor to merge FO:NV plugins? The second i open up FO3 Editor it has the Matser/plugin selection screen with nothing in it because it's searching FO3 when I want it to search FO:NV.
  16. I've been trying to add a bunch of custom weapons from other mods into the leveled items section of the GECK. What I do is put the custom weapon into it, and then it stays there until i load up the GECK again where i then see that it has disappeared. However i can add non custom weapons into the leveled items section.


    Please help!

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