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  1. I navmeshed everywhere I rearranged or placed new static items but I did go in and rechecked in case and it's clear under the table. Tried adding the playerally faction, but didn't change. Deleted reference, replaced with no size changes, etc. No change. After trying your test cell, seeing that it works I looked at it in Creation Kit and I noticed what you had under AI Packages. Then loading mine and looking it only has the DefaultMasterPatrol (I think that was the name). Yours didn't have that one so I thought I'd just take it out and leave nothing there and test it before adding in any patrol markers and mimic what you did. Works just fine now. Walk right up to the little bugger. Like I've said, I know NOTHING about NPC's so I didn't know what would happen if I just went in and removed something I don't know anything about yet so I had left whatever the Red Death had. But apparently something in that AI Package was oil to my water. Thanks to everyone for their advice and help on this, and the kids of Vault 81 are happy with their new class pet! (I actually went through 4 of them getting this right but they don't need to know it's really Pooky5)
  2. I tried moving it around to other places and found that it worked just fine. Only when I place it on the table does it do the levitating thing to the ceiling (except this time it catches on the overhead lamp occasionally and sticks there). And yes, I did shrink it even though it's smaller. It's at 60% now, but that didn't seem to matter when it was placed on the floor. I did a screencap showing the navmesh I placed on the table. The second cap shows the xmarkerheading I placed and linked so it would be in that spot. In all honesty I know nothing about NPC's, placing them, giving them routines, anything. I was out sick that day.
  3. Yes, the table top is navmeshed for it to walk on and to only go in certain areas of the table. Even did the test navmesh to verify it can be traversed by an NPC. The pet is and exact copy of the reddeath npc with name and skin changes. The AI it has is DefaultMasterPackage. I have done nothing to whatever behaviors it already had, it's way above my paygrade (and knowhow) to manipulate NPC's for specific things. But ingame, the Red Death just kinda wanders a bit in a tiny spot so I had hoped it would do so there too. It also never reacts to you when you approach it (at least not for me when I played the quest). Seemed like it would be a good fit.
  4. Actually it's not a scaled down creature, at least not by me. It's a copy of the DLC03FarHarborS03RedDeath actor, which is set to that scale in game, I didn't change anything except a new name/ID and the skin. Tried reverting to original skin but no difference. I did try TFC and approach it that way but it still reacted the same, levitating up. I should note that it not just levitates up to the ceiling, but immediately drops back down to the surface and then back up to the ceiling, over and over very quickly. Like it's in some loop. A static display was my first idea, but having a moving 'pet' was more appealing.
  5. Thanks for the suggestions! I verified that I have "respawn" and "invulnerable" checked, I have also changed around the factions to match Vault 81 as well as several others but nothing changes. I can't capture video but I did make a few screen shots. Taken standing just far enough away to not trigger it, then closer and final with it resting on the ceiling. Backing away just lowers it back down. If I can't figure it out I guess I could enable "dead" and let it just be a poor, neglected classroom pet. Thanks again!
  6. I've made a small mod to an interior cell (Vault81) and I have tried to place a passive mirelurk in there as a display, not an opponent. All works well, it's not aggressive, does not respond to anyone, stays in it's little area, etc. Except that when the player, not an npc, gets within a close enough distance to it, just at the point where you see the actor name and options when near any actor, it shoots to the ceiling and hovers there until you back away, then it falls to it's proper spot. I've searched all around for this bug (error on my part!) but have not found anything. Is this something simple or what am I missing? I have tried relocating to different areas, same error. I have nav meshed the area(s) as well.
  7. Figured it out finally. Had nothing to do with other mods actually. Everything works (sits) properly in both vanilla and modded installs.
  8. I've recently dove into the Creation Kit modding for mostly my own gaming purposes but if I can produce something good enough I may release it here one day. My only problem so far is one I can't find a solution online for and that's placing an item, rotating it into a specific position and having it show in-game that way. I have a dual-boot Win 7 pc with FO4 (steam) installed on each. My main OS (labeled "1") contains FO4 with many mods, mostly just cosmetic. My other OS ("2") has FO4 completely vanilla, with the exception of the Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch (latest version). When running each with my mod installed results with the placement 'errors'. Here are two examples. Every item shown I have placed and rotated into a specific position. The first shows an alarm clock but with a 180° difference on the vanilla install (2) although the vase, table and vault crate are fine. The second pic shows the bottles on top also doing a 180° but the Mac and Cheese on the second from top shelf and the Dandy Boy Apples on the bottom shelf at a 90° difference. Everything else is facing exactly the same in each, just as I placed them. Not shown but also the Cigarette carton will do the same 90° change. For the life of me I cannot find anywhere online with this same issue let alone any idea of how to correct this. ANY suggestions are welcome!
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