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Everything posted by Bisonfan95

  1. I know it's been years but... did you manage to add any beast race stewards?
  2. Pictures: https://imgur.com/VIFuRYB https://imgur.com/1L9AJjN https://imgur.com/gpCVkSc https://imgur.com/krJfWwM
  3. Create an item (armor / weapon) with a fully customized description or text on the pip boy in the Creation Kit for Fallout 4: Create a mod with the effect you want, make it legendary and don't forget the attach points and mod association keywords. Go to the item in question add the proper keywords and attach points. If you want the item to have, by default, the text, go to Object template, right click on the white space on the left and then create new. Make it DEFAULT and add the name and the mod. Save and enjoy.
  4. I want to start making mods and I've watched a bunch of tutorials, but in none of them I was able to learn how to make my own sublist. Even though it's just because I like order in everything I do and can live without it, I wanted to know how to do it. To be more specific, I've seen a lot of mods that, when I open them on the Creation Kit, have their own "sublist" under the appropiate category. For example, if it's a weapon, under "Item" - "Weapon" they have their own "sublist" like "M1911" and they put all their objects there. How can I make my own subsection in the object Window?
  5. Thank you very much! Finally it's done: there is a description both in pip-boy and trading menu. I've copied Nuka-Girl Object Mod to my item's Object Template field, and it works. Thanks again. I'd like to ask you one more little offtopic question if you don't mind. I've added my item to some NPC in the world with chance of drop, but I doubt if I did it right. I've added custom item to the "outfit" leveled list with in Creation Kit and adjusted "Chance None" value. Will it work? It's hard to test it right now due to lack of time, so I would be glad to hear your opinion. Hello Patrizian, after watching a lot of tutorials I have the theory that only the mods marked as "Legendary" show their description on the pip-boy. Can you please confirm it by letting me know if the ObjectMod you copied has the "Legendary" box checked?
  6. I know this is old, but I fixed it while on a rampage. Just go to View, select object window. It will not appear BUT DONT TOUCH ANYTHIN YET. Now press the Windows Key and finally the left arroy key. No install, no edits... just pure luck LOL. Hope this helps someone
  7. Yeah just read about that and it looks like it is since my werewolf stats were off.. sneak was 1 when should've been 95.
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