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Posts posted by De3ta

  1. huh, Did not know this was based on a previously used location in TES. I find it amusing in the intervening time between Morrowind and Skyrim that the Erosion smoothed out the cave entrance, then went in reverse to make it a jagged rock-face.


    It also seems to be bigger than before.


    *Is this guy really questioning the Geology of a world with wizards and dragons an s***?* It's a f***ing cave entrance. what else am I supposed to talk about? The acoustics?

  2. Fallout 3.......


    is no way in hell gonna be that game for me. Maybe New Vegas, Maybe. The only one I'd put here for sure is Fallout 2. Only because I'd rather think about the story than the mechanics age.


    But to actually answer the topic at hand, My Choice is Valkyria Chronicles. VC I and II are some of my favorite games of all time. SO much so that I can even handle the second being a PSP Exclusive and having to emulate it. Thankfully the first one was released on steam around this time last year.



    As I've said elsewhere.



    To describe this game i'd say......Anime Not!Europe had World war II, now a few years after it Switzerland if it had an ass load of oil (In this case magic blue rocks that heal, make nerve gasses,Power s#*!, and are great explosives) have Not! American Civil war over fantastic racism against people called Darcsens (People with dark purple blueish hair who are thought to have whipped out the Valkyur which I won't even get into here.)

    All This and you play as characters in F**king High school (well it;s actually a military academy but Japan.)

    Did I mention I love this game? even with all the quirks and the Visual Novel-ish style this is still the third person turn-based strategy game I love from the first one, just with less cell-shading and more anime cut-scenes.
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