When you wear slot-armor (i.e. combat armor, leather armor, the stuff that comes in pieces), the mesh will scale up or down in size depending on what underarmor you're wearing in order to avoid clipping. (In)famously, clothes like the fatigues cause armor pieces to scale to their max size, which can make certain pieces seem to "float" off the body. I've found loads of mods that people have created which disable this scaling, but I'm currently experiencing the *opposite* problem. I've got a modded set of underarmor that's got a somewhat bulkier mesh than average, but the armor pieces I try and fit over it use the smaller scaling, as if I were wearing something skintight under them, like a vault suit. This causes horrible clipping, obviously. All the documentation I've been able to find deals with people who want to prevent the scaling-up, is there any way to *force* it? So far, Fo4edit has been a bust, but I'm far from an expert and could've easily missed something.