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  1. When you wear slot-armor (i.e. combat armor, leather armor, the stuff that comes in pieces), the mesh will scale up or down in size depending on what underarmor you're wearing in order to avoid clipping. (In)famously, clothes like the fatigues cause armor pieces to scale to their max size, which can make certain pieces seem to "float" off the body. I've found loads of mods that people have created which disable this scaling, but I'm currently experiencing the *opposite* problem. I've got a modded set of underarmor that's got a somewhat bulkier mesh than average, but the armor pieces I try and fit over it use the smaller scaling, as if I were wearing something skintight under them, like a vault suit. This causes horrible clipping, obviously. All the documentation I've been able to find deals with people who want to prevent the scaling-up, is there any way to *force* it? So far, Fo4edit has been a bust, but I'm far from an expert and could've easily missed something.
  2. That's true of tattoos, but as far as I understand it, Grime and Face Paint are unlocked by default. That said, in true Bethesda Game fashion, the problem just up and went away on its own. So, if anyone stumbles across this thread while looking for a solution to the same issue, I'm sorry to say I have no idea what fixed it. Case closed, I guess?
  3. Hey all! Please forgive me if this has already been answered somewhere, I've searched high and low and not found anyone who seems to have this problem. It's entirely possible I just missed it though, so feel free to point me in the right direction. When editing my face--be it through facial reconstruction or the "showlooksmenu player 1" command--the only options available to me in the "Extras" menu are Damage, Blemishes, and Markings. No face paint, grime, or tattoos whatsoever. My load order is as follows: Near as I can tell, I don't have anything installed that should affect the character editor whatsoever. I'm at a loss here, and any help would be hugely appreciated.
  4. It always struck me as odd that certain supportive spells like the ___flesh Alteration spells and the invisibility spells were exclusively cast-on-self. Gone are the days of being able to buff one's companions, like in Morrowind or Oblivion, it seems. It /seems/ like it should be a fairly easy mod, but I'll be the first to admit that I know very little about the complexities involved with altering spells. Still, a means by which to cast the Alteration armor spells (Invisibility is sort of optional, since I doubt that the AI could use it properly) on target npcs would be fantastic. It's entirely possible I've just missed it in my couple hours of searching, so please feel free to let me know if there already exists a mod that does this. Thanks much!
  5. I've been having the very same problem. I have attempted to download on Chrome, Internet Explorer, and Firefox, each time getting an error page stating: "The server at fs3.nexusmods.com can't be found, because the DNS lookup failed." All of the other Nexuses work fine. The Skyrim Nexus is the only one giving me this issue.
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