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About Faledan1995

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  1. Really it, can't find a mod that does this and its one of the more annoying things as a person who loves to survey planets. If you don't do a NG+ with normal campaign you can't sell to Vladimir he simply won't have the option. I however love the universe with the You follower which doesn't allow you to do the campaign.
  2. Anyway we can get a HUD indicator for weapon charging on weapons that have that function? The vibration and noise are really not that big of an indicator to tell when it is fully charged.
  3. Okay I'm sure we've all encountered this but sometimes when you are tracking all objectives and you are doing a mission all objectives but 1 will disappear even if you're right next to where others would be. I don't know what causes this, but the only fix is to currently toggle track all off, then track only the 1 mission you are trying to focus on so you can see the markers properly. Which is annoying as hell to constantly do, Skyrim didn't have this issue. If someone can fix this bug I'm sure many would be grateful, if there is already a fix I can't find it so if someone can point me to a mod fix that'd be great.
  4. Currently you can use console command to upgrade the tiers of weapons by dropping them and using the items unique id and then modding them in console command. The mod request I would like is adding those upgraded tier melee weapons to the loot tables at appropriate levels akin to other weapons. This would probably be the easiest solution, another one would be making new weapon bench recipes to melee weapons that upgrade their tier using materials.
  5. Solved: from reddit: right-click SkyrimSE.exe, click Properties -> Compatibility -> Change high DPI settings. Check "Override high DPI scaling behavior", and, in the drop-down menu, select Application. Apparently skyrim uses your windows scaling.
  6. I have no clue what's causing this, but I replaced my main monitor after it died with a bigger one, from 1080p to 4k ultrawide. My monitor's resolution is an option on the launch options, my skyrimprefs.ini reflects the resolution being the same as my 1 monitor's size (which is what I chose in the launcher options). However when I launch it it takes up both of my monitors (the 2nd is just another 1080p) I have tried borderless, windowed and full screen and all approaches are the same. If my monitors were the same size I could perhaps get used to it, however since they aren't it's like a sideways T with the upper and lower portions of what would be on my 2nd monitor cut off so I don't even have access to the start menu buttons. It is NOT a mod related issue as I have disabled all mods and it still does this. I'd love to know how to fix this if anyone has experienced this before. Please and thank you.
  7. Ok his merchant chest is actually still there but for some reason he is not connected to the merchant chest, so it's not affecting his store items, anyone know a way to fix this?
  8. Currently Alvor has 6-12 items at his shop at any given time and he only uses items that are actually on the table and on the forge, I think some mod might have removed his merchant crate and was wondering if anyone knows the console id for his crate to see if thats the issue?
  9. Okay so there is currently no mod (that I'm aware of) out there that does specifically what I want, Better Vampires just is very clunky when I also have Sacrosanct (functions overwriting eachother and such) and so I don't like using it also the eye only option for turning followers makes their eyes the vanilla black and white and it kinda ruins my immersion. I was wondering if anyone knows a way to make it (either via files or the CK) so that a custom/mod added npc's facegen and everything stays the same when I turn them into a vampire using aft. Currently their facegen changes completely. I mean as a player my appearance doesn't change at all except for my eyes when I become a vampire, and I want that to happen with my followers and I'd be willing to put work into CK if necessary.
  10. Ok the mod creator of R246 helped me figure it out, it was 1 mod creating all my problems: Unique Character. After uninstalling it the textures worked. Can't believe 1 mod was giving me so much grief, literally installed it so I could have tattoos.
  11. Does Mod Organizer's Bodyslide interface look any different from when it is in NMM? I'm fine with switching over as I've used both for oldrim before when NMM was being a tool. However the thing that confuses me is what I'm supposed to do with bodyslide to make textures work. Like when I open it up currently on NMM it has 2 blank drop downs and 2 filter search boxes, batch and regular build buttons and then settings and outfit studio buttons. As I'm not doing anything with outfits and the only button that currently leads somewhere is settings, I'm assuming that's what I wanna click but then I have 0 clue what to do from there, honestly clueless about it. Is there a video I can watch somewhere that gives a good explanation on how to use bodyslide in this capacity? BTW it's 3am here and I'm tired so I'm heading off to bed, so I won't see any responses til I get up again. Again thanks for helping me out with this. :smile:
  12. Ok so none of them listed bodyslide as a depency/said that I would have to use it for it to work. How would I go about using bodyslide for this purpose? it looks a fair bit more complicated than fnis since all i have to do for fnis is press 1 button and wait. I don't want to severely screw something up so I'm hesitant on diving into a tool I am unfamiliar with. Thanks again guys for trying to help me with this btw.
  13. Yeah I tried to download mods with preset replacers and their instructions on how to get them to look "just like screenshot" and the presets are still vanilla, I can tell because the warpaints aren't the same and on top of that still, the textures and everything look completely vanilla. Like it seems that no matter what the hell I throw at my game it's refusing to use anything that looks nonvanilla for characters. I might just have to give up on SSE and play my oldrim because at least my oldrim has working character assets that don't look vanilla.
  14. https://imgur.com/a/7B7s2 is what I got using the mods listed under your image, as you can see it is a marked improvement from the first image but it still looks almost completely vanilla. Any other mod you are using that helps you make that face?
  15. what's funny is that IS fair skin that I'm using, like I said it feels like none of the character appearance mods I am using are working. Thanks for help tho will look at the mods you have listed.
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