I have no clue what's causing this, but I replaced my main monitor after it died with a bigger one, from 1080p to 4k ultrawide. My monitor's resolution is an option on the launch options, my skyrimprefs.ini reflects the resolution being the same as my 1 monitor's size (which is what I chose in the launcher options). However when I launch it it takes up both of my monitors (the 2nd is just another 1080p) I have tried borderless, windowed and full screen and all approaches are the same. If my monitors were the same size I could perhaps get used to it, however since they aren't it's like a sideways T with the upper and lower portions of what would be on my 2nd monitor cut off so I don't even have access to the start menu buttons. It is NOT a mod related issue as I have disabled all mods and it still does this. I'd love to know how to fix this if anyone has experienced this before. Please and thank you.