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Everything posted by HautdenLukas

  1. Sorry for the late reply and thank you all for the tips. RomanR's solution is the one that is working. In case you are wondering what I'm trying to do - I'm using Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul and Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul. OOO has something called "Harvest Containers" (animates containers opening/closing) and MOO does not have this implemented yet. I don't like inconsistencies in my game, so I implemented harvest containers in MOO and wanted to make it dependent to the setting in OOO, if OOO is loaded. In order to get the "OOOHC" value, I could have: 1. made OOO a master to MOO, so I could access the global value directly, but I didn't want that, because it forces the use of OOO. 2. used the "GetFormFromMod" command and this is what I did. The code part from "MOOGetGameLoadedModLoadedFunctionScript" now looks like this and does what it should: if ( IsModLoaded "Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.esm" ) set MOO.OOOloaded to 1 set tempref to GetFormFromMod "Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.esm" "04FC1B" Let found := GetGlobalValue tempref if found == 1 set MOO.OOOHCactive to 1 else set MOO.OOOHCactive to 0 endif endif It checks the OOOHC global value via form ID and stores it in a MOO variable for use in MOO. There is just one tiny problem with it. The OOO update routine runs after the MOO update routine (no, not depending on load order), so it takes two game starts for MOO to recognize a change in OOOHC, at least in my setup. But that doesn't bother me much.
  2. Let's say I have two mods (Mod1.esm and Mod2.esp). Mod2 is supposed to query a global variable from Mod1, but I don't want to add Mod1 as a master to Mod2. My idea was to use something like this: set tempref to GetFormFromMod "Mod1.esm" "04FC1B" Now I have the pointer to that global variable, but how do I get the actual content? When I do: PrintToConsole "tempref is %i %.0f" tempref tempref I get: tempref is 0404FC1B 0 although the global variable has a value of 1. At least the pointer is correct.
  3. Since you are working on the Nexus UI, could you please fix a bug that was introduced in one of the previous releases? It's with the notifications. You see that I have one unread notification. If I Left Click that notification, it opens that mod in the same tab. This is the expected behavior and works that way for read and unread notifications. If I Shift + Left Click that notification, it also opens that mod in the same tab. That is not the expected behavior. It should open in a new tab and did so in the past. Shift + Left Clicking a read notification opens it in a new tab as it should be. The bug is only with unread notifications. I'm using Vivaldi 6.8 (Chromium based browser).
  4. This thread is a bit old but I still want to add this as reference so others won't have to figure it out on their own like I had to. There are three misc quests to tell factions about Acadia and in the case of Brotherhood and Institute there is also a main quest associated with the misc quest: Railroad Misc Quest Title - Tell the Railroad about the Synth Refuge Misc Quest ID - DLC03Acadia_RR Brotherhood of Steel Misc Quest Title - Tell the Brotherhood about the Synth Refuge Misc Quest ID - DLC03Acadia_BoS_Misc Main Quest Title - Search and Destroy Main Quest ID - DLC03Acadia_BoS Failed Stage - 1000 Institute Misc Quest Title - Tell the Institute about the Synth Refuge Misc Quest ID - DLC03Acadia_Institute_Misc Main Quest Title - Forbidden Knowledge Main Quest ID - DLC03Acadia_Institute Failed Stage - 1000 In order to get rid of those misc quests you need to enter the following in the Fallout 4 console: failallobjectives <Misc Quest ID> setstage <Main Quest ID> <Failed Stage> The "setstage" command only needs to be run for Institute and Brotherhood as the Railroad has no main quest related to the misc quest. If you don't run the setstage command for the main quest it will be impossible to continue other quests with the related NPCs. For example the player will automatically start a conversation with "I have a situation I need to report" when approaching Lancer Captain Kells so you won't be able to continue the quest "Tactical Thinking" after speaking with Elder Maxson.
  5. This bug still happens with patch 1.9. It's rare but it's annoying because you only notice it when it's too late. It seems to be connected to cell loads just like other settlement bugs that cause your settlement data to become corrupted (incorrect number of food, water, power, beds, defense). It may also be related to the infamous cell reset bug which happens in certain locations. I just had a provisioner sentry bot revert to basic protectron. It was set up between Greentop Nursery and The Slog. On that route it passes Breakheart Banks, a supermutant farm that resets instantly if you move within a certain distance to it. Fortunately I was able to fix it with a slightly earlier savegame which I did before leaving the Slog. I pulled the sentry bot to the Slog by using the robot workbench, teleported over to Greentop Nursery, did some management, pulled the sentry to Greentop Nursery, teleported to Outpost Zimonja to manage stuff over there and teleported back to the Slog just like I did before. When I pulled the bot to the Slog it was still a sentry bot instead of the protectron that I met on the road to Saugus on the previous attempt. Quite a relief because sentry bots are super expensive in terms of rare materials... On a previous playthrough (with patch 1.8) I had similar issues with a provisioner robobrain between Mechanist's Lair and County Crossing. Fast traveling to County Crossing had a good chance to revert that bot to a protectron. Another provisioner bot that experienced the issue was one between Dalton Farm and National Park Visitor's Center in Far Harbor.
  6. I was having the same problem too. Every time I moved from an interior cell to an exterior cell the game would just sit there doing literally nothing until a minute or more passed and the HD light started flashing to indicate that the cell data is being loaded. This was very annoying and I was happy to find this thread. I tested two solutions: 1. Load Accelerator This dll mod does what it advertises. Load times went down drastically to a level that I was used from the past modded Fallout 4. Only thing that it doesn't fix is load times for elevators that lead to an exterior cell. 2. Downgrade nVidia driver to version 373.06 This does the trick as well. Load times are roughly the same as with solution 1. Many thanks to Zzyxzz for the hints. I would have never expected graphics issues to be the culprit so you saved me a lot of time and gray hair. :D
  7. Oh, looks like the comments on the mod pages have a wider area to use after the last update. It's much easier to read now. Thanks man, that is much appreciated. :)
  8. Encountered a strange bug. When I search for a mod I usually put the name or part of it in the search box and hit Shift+Enter to open the result in a new tab. With the new design instead of one new tab (like before) the nexus opens two identical ones of them. I'm using Opera 11.50.
  9. Hmm, looks like I don't follow the news - this morning business as usual and now *boom* what's that? Someone hijacked the nexus? Ok, just redesign. I guess I'll get used to it. But what is that? Pictures and everything are so narrow/cut off that I can put them three times on my monitor. Don't web designers know that 16:10 monitors are quite common these days? The new design is a huge step backwards in this respect. Also where is the option to view the comments people left for their endorsements? Looks like comments have been removed completely. Sometimes they were quite interesting. Ah well, worst thing is the narrow design. Hope this gets fixed.
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