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Posts posted by SallowSal

  1. Please note this has nothing to do with infamous Oghma Infinium bug that I found countless topics about, but not a single one about issue I have:



    I can't read or take Oghma Infinium from pedestal after I give the blood to Septimus Signus, the Dwemer lockbox opens and the poor old guy gets disintegrated. There's no option when I approach the book but the quest marker points right at it:


    Things that I tried so far:


    • reload previous save
    • remove all mods incl. Unofficial Skyrim Patch, etc.
    • wait 10 days to make the location respawn and then use "tcl" fly command to get through the closed Dwemer lockbox door
    • move to next quest stage using the "setstage DA04 60" command and then "player.additem 0001A332 1" to put the Oghma into my inventory (I can hear something was added into my inventory but it's not there - works fine with other Daedric Artifacts)


    Any help is most welcome since I got stuck on this for the whole evening and I'm getting really desparete :(

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