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Everything posted by MrExec12

  1. Screen shots tomorrow. Looking for people that want to be a part of a mod that will become with (hope/luck) a REAL game. I'm promising a lot. I know. I will produce. You have my word.
  2. Comon man, who's got the balls to do this?! I know it's not gonna be easy but man. Whatever I can do to help I will be a damn good #2. I just haven't learned scripting to the point it would take to make this a reality.
  3. Can anyone do this? I have tried for years to make this happen. The author has given permission to port it if anyone has the skills to do so. I can't, I big dum dum.
  4. Really I am just trying to get ANYONE who is interested in joining me in building my world. I need help of all sorts. I need modelling, I need people who know scripts, I need people who can make quests. I need everything! But as I know it's tough to get assistance, I can assure you that if you were to help out, when it get's done and becomes the most popular mod on the nexus, and get's the funding to become it's own freakin game, when that happens, I will not forget. Also you will be helping out a fellow dreamer. (It's like when a small town comes together to build a new house for someone)
  5. I have been listening to a lot of Dan Harmon's podcast and have come upon a thought I think would be best served here. I am, of notorious past actions maybe not seen in a good light among patrons of this site. Well, to you, My good sir! I say f u sir! I mean that in the lightest sense. You are not my enemy's, in fact I feel that perhaps I inspired a whole new push of mods not yet known in the spectrum of modding.(still no alternate actors though.....hmmmmm, maybe bums in the fo4 mod community idk I just wanna get past this...) BUT NONE OF THAT MATTERS YO! For today! I am rising from the ashes! Rising! From the hatred that was beset on me, from thine forum gods! And I am now here with knowledge and perseverance, striding to a new beginning! Many, many moons ago. I was shunned, shunned from the space of this forum. (shunned) I was belittled and demeaned. (shunned)I left with but a tatter of my dignity. The forum people were destructive and hurt me to the bitter core of my hurt place and my sad spot which made my living difficult. I wretched venom of spewing sadness. I bled upon my thoughts and wondered if I was ever worthy of ever coming back to such a sacred place as this. BUT, ALAS! I AROSE! STRONGER! FASTER! HARDER! "YOU COULD NOT STOP ME" I cried out! Moons! Many MOONS! passed. Passed out like moons giving moons the moon(ass crack and all) and then on moons we had moon on moon crime and when the moons left more moons formed. And then they left too. Then I made pages. I made worlds. I made thoughts and I made things. I made moons and I told the WORLD get back to WORK like..GET BACK MOON! I SAID GET! Now, a full fledge world creator, I come here, with hand in hands. I came here for one purpose. One plan. One thing. One Moon. A thing you cannot find in oneself. So I came here. To this barren hate filled sand scape of a wishlist wasteland. A place where my mother told me to stray from. A place where they modeled her tittys and made a new cbbm. I was like MOM STAY OUT! But, alas, no one listens..... She knew the dangers of becoming one of the many faces of this place. BUT I FOUGHT ON! Now! I STAND, Looking over the land that was once the place of prosper and titty mods! Now a land of 76 saddness. And I ask..... Dos though have thine Spencer!?! Dan HARMON TYPE SPENCER?! I needeth one. Someone smarter, more capable. But also, Brave! If you don't know the HarmonTown Podcast then your not gonna understand and need not apply. But, trust me this will be your comeuppance. All that aside really guys I'm outta my league now. I know what I want and know how I want it done. The worlds nasty, the worlds made. I need a right hand man(lady) that can help me get the rest of this ish figured out. I'm doin wayyy more then this, imagine this as just the homie shout out before I get in the big leagues. NFL....you know....football....god. dorks. I
  6. Please Please Please someone with scripting knowledge get back to me on this. I know it can be done, I'm just garbo at scripting. I can help and I'll do all the leg-work minus the scripting. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HELP MAKE THIS A REALITY!!!
  7. Hey man, I have been working on this for a very long time. I got reply's back from the author of Alternate Actors and I know a little bit about how to do this but my scripting knowledge is limited at best. I will keep you updated on if I can make it happen. I kinda gave up there for a little bit but if anyone can help make this a thing it's gonna be the best mod out there.
  8. So they are all in the data meshes folder. I dont understand why they show up in the ck but they are either ! or nothing.
  9. I'm trying to import skyrim SE trees into the fallout 4 creation kit. I get it set up. It shows up in the CK. But when I go in game, its a big F'n Red !. WTF is that?
  10. I digress, I've had time to think about everything. I know you guys are all, what can I say, far and wide, spanning the world. I know you are all talented. I only wanted help. I am not the best at a few things and I really need a specific monster made to make the game work. I have rebuilt about 1/4 of the world but I have everything from the design of every site to the actual concept of every quest and interaction planned and ready to rock. If you really want to know the bare bones of what I need. Let's start small....... I need sand sand. Like Sahara Dessert Sand..........Real dry looking stuff. You wanna be cool and either guide me to a way I can "create" it myself or show me where some is? I would greatly appreciate it. Also, my "project" as you guys wanna call it, is better then any of the stuff I've seen ever on any of these nexusususes. It's my goal to bring this blessing I'm bestowing onto the fallout world, this representation of my Book/Game/Mod, and bring it to the actual game company's and sell them the idea, which in I have the team assembled and I create the actual product. In this part of the planning I think we may have a misunderstanding of what the f I does. You, no offense, couldn't dream of the things I have created for this thing. That's why you peon's, again no offense, are making the same mod's over and over. While the best mod's that have come out as of late are as old as the friggin bounty hunter stuff someguy did for NV. That's real original. Let's make another Naked chick who poop's on herself. Let's make fluffy pillows you lil pansey's can bat each other with. All in all I call truce. I just want the sand and a monster and if you can help thank you. If not. Hey, I got something for ya.
  12. Thank you core. I dig what you said. I got you on everything you said. But the rest of ya'll. I wish I could figure out the way to make a web middle finger
  13. And so I dont get hated on for editing my ish, I forgot to mention the only reason I'm even here is I lost all my work in a hard drive. So before you haters start with your hating. I know I shoulda backed it up. I know it was dumb not too, but wow this is the world of the modding fallout 4 nexus community huh?>?
  14. I just wanted people who wanted to help me make something epic. I have been working on this thing since the damn creation kit came out. Idk what I said in my original post to piss you guys off but, Idk, maybe you all arn't the peep's im looking for. Notice how I keep doin the whole not talkin right for ya'll.. Cuz atm I feel your all a bunch of a holes who can suck it. Not name calling. Just speaking fact. Thank you to the few who were major d bag's but I guess this might not be the way I wanna make this thing.
  15. Maybe if you all quit being such lil haters and actually thought about it I might be doing something dope you could maybe have something to hang your miserable little hats on. F you. I was just trying to make sure people knew. You don't wanna be apart of it who cares. Grammer Police isn't gonna do nuthin but piss a mah frika off.
  16. I get it I get it. Dont worry about what the people are saying! Trust me when I say I want anyone who wants to help!
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