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Nexus Mods Profile

About notallinsane

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  1. Id love to see some mods for darkspawn small shield,dunno if theres large ones but I love the way they look.The downside to using them tho is they have no attributes on them.So if maybe someone could use the same model of the darkspawn shield and give it some decent stats...for nightmare mode :D
  2. Dohohoho, Thank you I would have never found that
  3. I remember there being a mod that allowed you to change the class if you and your companions,but I looked thru the whole site and couldn't find it, I really wanted to change Leliana to be my tank and Sten to be a healer. If anyone knows what I'm talking about could you send me a link to the mod,cause i cannot find it.I think it was called rings or rebirth[or reroll] :thanks:
  4. I have an idea,for some armor remake. I dont know if this is possible or not but its worth the try putting my idea here See the pic,and I was thinking of replacing the chest plate with something a bit more...revealing.Nothing that includes nudity, a bit more sexy. :3 Maybe instead of having a chest plate it could be replaced with a bra of some sort?But keeping the shoulder and arm armor there. again see pic to see what i mean. :mellow: Also I used the pic from the Black Templar Armor Mod,thanks to the maker of it.It has to be my fave armor...made better
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