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Allow me to be the 4th to join you. I Have been toying with a few mods-crash issues. Now that I've disabeled all the mods that I added, I am now at the point where my game used to run just fine. I wanted to update my load-order and...boom. Exact same error message. IMMEDIATE UPDATE: I re-enabled some of the mods I turned off and for some reason BOSS seems totally alright with that. Switching the mods off after updating the list seems to turn BOSS back to normal. Suggestion: Add a mod, re-run Boss see if that works (possible need for a script-mod, I dunno) - X.
This fix. Is f*#@in'. Devil magic!! @___@ It worked, it ACTUALLY worked. I don't know how. I don't know why...but it does, and that's fine with me. @Homiloko: You, sir: Thanks again for the tip (to be honest, I didn't expect much of this method, but, like I said...desperate times and all. So thanks!) @Millenna: I owe you some indecent adult performings as thanks for fixing my game! - X.
I'm currently coping with the same problem as you. While I have yet to try one fix I'm about to offer you, you might find this helpful. The reason you crash could be due to the lack of mods / whatever in your savegame or earlier savegames (if the problem persists there as well) One thing you could do is take a look at your papyrus log and compare look up frequent issues / solutions in a popular thread if there is one. Otherwise, you might find this thread helpful. It supposedly solved quite a bit of crahsing for people. I have yet to try it myself, but who knows, maybe it really does work. - X. P.S. To save yourself time on wondering whether or not your game has crashed, you'll want to download 'Skyrim Performance Monitor' this tool monitors various hardware details, including your CPU usage in percentage. If your CPU suddenly drops to 0-1-2%, your game has stopped responding. Some notes: - If you use ModOrganizer set that as the launcher-path and TESV.exe as the actual main file. Your Ini should be the one in your ModOrganizer profile folder, NOT your documents\games\skyrim\etc. folder. - If you use an ENB with a dx9DLL, then you'll want to tick "support custom dll's" or something similar in the options. - If nothing is displayed when starting the game, make sure you enabled the in-game display of the stuff (selectable in the options) If you are already using this tool, disregard all I said :3
Heya, thanks for the reply. As far as the bloated Papyrus log goes, I understood that those 'companionscript' / 'playervampirescript' mentionings were really just that. Not errors per se, but really just log-entries. (though, I DO think that there may be a problem with the DLC1perk playerwerewolf whatchamacallit...how to get around that....lawd knows) However, my next attempt would indeed be to load my vanilla save (which is just before creating my char) OR to load in-doors (IE Helgen keep) and do....something that I have yet to think of. With this tip.....I'll just give the map-rotation a whirl. Drastic times, right? Thanks a lot, I'll get right on that :] - X.
Forgive me for butting in here with my own problems, but considering the nature of the topic and the fact this topic is "hot", perhaps I could get some help from you fine folk. I'm coping with Inf. loading screens. Not caused by traveling from place A to place B, but from simply loading the game after starting it up. (In fact, there's no real "infinite loading screen", as the game simply stops responding after a few moments) I understand fairly little about 'Papyrus logs', which is where I believe one could find the culprit mod. (yes, I am using mods, quite a few, actually, but I've had little trouble with loading them for the small part that I could play, due to no small part of the intricate workings of ENBoost.) So, in summary: - I use mods (loaded via ModOrganizer) - I'm crashing after loading a game - I am able to start the game, create a character get through helgen (even if I quit the game somewhere in Helgen keep and then start the game back up), and make it outside. - I was even able to quit-and-load after making it out "into Skyrim'. - The problem started after resting at Riverwood and accepting the 'golden claw' quest, which takes place in B.F.Barrow. On my way there I saved, quit and hit the dead-end. - Halp? Most recent Papyrus log: My BOSS-log: Any help / hints / suggestions / money would be much appreciated, and once again my apologies for the hijack. (Just felt it would be more productive to have similar problems bundled in one thread.) - X.
All my problems seem to have been resolved. To anyone with Infinite loading screens, I recommend you take a look at this thread, it might just help you like it helped me. - X.
UPDATE: August 13th Right, as it turns out, I am still having crashes without actually returning to desktop, but rather I'm having "infinite loading screens' (which aren't so 'infinite', seeing as the game has actually stopped responding, but hey) And I looked into 'Papyrus' some more and I found out that there's a particular line one should look at before "something else" and that would be the crash-culprit. ...That said I have no idea on how to fix it, where to look, what mods could be involved, or if it's native to Skyrim. To those with some spare time, please take a look at my most recent papyrus log and gimme a hand? Now, I read somewhere that the 'companionhousekeeing' thing, is not an "error" per se, but just some 'harmless notification'. If that's true, then all is well, which brings me to the actual core of the log, which is this part (most likely) I read that the line before the last THREE lines is the culprit....and I am absolutely clueless regarding that line. Below you can find my boss-log (for what it's worth) Is there someone who can shine some light on this? I have been able to start the game, create a character, get through the Helgen fort- and cave even made it outside, EVEN quit there, restarted the game, loaded and made my way to Riverwood, but once I head up the mountain to bleak-falls barrow, and I want to reload my game somewhere there-ish....lolnope.avi. HALP!
Ahh~ yes, Millenna's thread. I have scoured over this one quite a few times, in hopes to find something that could aid me, alas my problem was not loading from within the game (IE: fast traveling / going from interior to exterior), but loading into the game in general. Since that's fixed, it seems my game is running fine. ENBoost has my ram usage sitting somewhere around 300-400, with quite a bit of stuff enabled. Will have to check out the big cities, but I think I might actually be able to add a bit more to it. My current and only problem remaining is ironing out the last kinks (that being animation-properties) Still, I will save said thread, in case I might ever run into trouble where this might help me. Thanks a lot for the tip :] - X.
UPDATE: I've looked over my Papyrus logs and seeing the word 'vampire' pop-up quite a few times, I figured that the trouble might be somewhere in that area. I uninstalled all additional mods I had regarding anything "vampire" and turned back on those that did not seem too important to fudge up my game. As it turns out 'Better vampires', by 'Brehanin2', might have been the culprit. This could have been in combination with a custom race I use - 'The Temptress', by 'Psychos1s' and 'Brokefoot', which required that mod to be installed to make sure said custom race would be able to turn into a vampire. I get rid of the mod and suddenly my game actually loads (previously, it turns out that my system doesn't go idle, Skyrim actually "stopped responding", my system just didn't CTD properly with the warning saying the game kicked me out. Having adjusted all but 2 things, my game is actually running stable, my game loads "out in the open", which tends to be the hardest work, I'm not saying we're in the clear yet, I'll need to do some more testing, but this seems to work for now. Thought I'd put this up in the unlikely event that someone else is coping with the same problem. ...Now...if anyone could tell me why it is that with 'Immersive animations', XP32's 'Maximum skeleton + exclusive path' and 'Dual sheath redux + pack-patches', I do get the proper one-handed draw/sheath animation for having one sword/dagger on my back (textures in the right place and all), but once I equip two swords or two daggers (or a sword and a dagger), the animation botches...?
Heya, Thank you for the swift reply. Unfortunately the tips and tricks you offered I already fleshed out underneath the spoiler-tag which you may have missed - Performance monitor - ENBoost - Texture optimizing --> been there tried/playing with as we speak ^___^; I have in fact lowered some settings from ultra to 'high'. I suppose 'Medium' is an option, but it just feels like blasphemy going below 'High'. Would you happen to know if UNchecking the official DLC's will have an impact on the game's loading performance? Thanks again for the quick help, though. For more info you can read the full story which is now un-spoilered :] - X.
I know the name is misleading, but I'm not a bot. Please listen to my story~ I'm certain many of you veterans are holding back with the power of Greyskull from breaking their teacup at the mere sight of the title, as there are many threads like this one. IF my problem is posted in another thread, please refer me to that thread and lock this one, however, after searching around a bit I have yet to read a situation that's similar to mine. (either that or I looked past it / misunderstood it) SO: I apologize for the upcoming wall of text, but here we go: For about a week now, I've been trying to get my Skyrim working with quite a large amount of mods, I'm not gonna lie. I've followed the S.T.E.P guide for a major part, but I also wanted that "extra" bit: not just make the game prettier, but have some extra stuff. Now, you might go: "Ah, there we go. he must have capped the 3.1 gb limit. Easy solve. Next!" I indeed know about the 3.1 gb limit, but this might not be it, bear with me. I installed the 'ENBoost performance mod' the other day, after learning that it would channel the use of memory a bit different, allowing for more mods. I even enabled an ENB (since I was going there anyways) Here's the thing: I boot the game via skse_loader (which in its turn is launched via ModOrganizer) The game loads just fine, the ENB pop-ups show themselves, and when I click 'New game', the game DOES in fact load in. The game starts, SkyUI tells me there are an x-amount of menu's added to the MCM, so everything IS in fact in place (the ENB seems to work too) I get to the character creation (which, at this point, I can fill out blindfolded) and my character is made. Now, this is the point at which I make a savegame (I do this before and after character creation). HOWEVER: when exit to desktop or main menu, and I reboot / load the game AFTER character creation....I get an ILS. For a long time I was thinking that this was caused due to the fact that the amount of data to be loaded at once surpassed the 3.1 gb limit, thus causing the game to be stuck on the loading screen. I installed Skyrim performance monitor, just to see what's what. I got everything setup and the screens display themselves in-game. I click 'Load' and to my big surprise, my CPU percentage just drops down and fluctuates between 0% ~ 1%. My GPU percentage hangs somewhere around 10% and my memory ram also plumets; My system just slips to idle. I would like to know: - ARE these the symptoms of an ILS (and am I just that st00pid), or is this "unusual"? - Is the amount of data required to load still exceeding 3.1gb, THUS unfolding the situation into question #1? - If not: What could be causing this and what could be a potential cure, if any available? ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ Some additional info: - When starting a new-game, with the ENBoost mod, the used Ram sits around 300-400 mb (not a whole lot, but this may be because it's a scripted piece of the game and some mods do not come into play untill after <event X> ? ) - I have 217 files installed in ModOrganizer (the majority being S.T.E.P. material), some of these files are patches of which I was not quite sure how to oeverwrite manually, so I loaded them as a mod. I don't know if this counts as a mod, or if it simply focuses on the main mod, overwriting (I've only scratched the surface of ModOrganizer, and am by no means an expert on it's intricate, yet pleasant workings) Some mods I HAVE overwritten manually with patches etc. Sidenote: I auto unpack BSA's, which are automatically deleted after doing so, so I have NO BSA's listed, only the esp's / esm's . - All mods are cleaned with TES5Edit and I have Bashed all necessary mods with Wrye Bash, and merging mods where prompted - I use BOSS to auto-sort my plugins - My Ini's are edited to S.T.E.P. format+ENB (plus a 'Skyrim flora overhaul'-grass "texure" addition. - When loading a game, it is not After a pure, white frame (just one, you see it for a split-second), that my system drops to idle state. - In light of ENBoost, I'm using Sharpshooter's ENB, with version 0.200, as found on the ENBseries page. - I am using 'Texture pack combiner' (amongst other things),containing all three "required" texture packs, and some optional mods, but I have used the 'optimizer textures' by 'Ordenador' to scale them down to 1k. - Next to the above mentioned mod, I'm using some other "heavy artillery", however the mod list, as provided, is kind of how I want to keep it, if possible. I really do want to keep those mods in, including stuff like 'Midas magic', 'Magic duel reborn', 'enhanced blood textures', the animations, RLO and CoT, amongst others. - My actual skyrim directory (the Steam one) is - save for the addition of ENB- and SKSE files - in pristine condition --------------------------- --------------------------- For the sake of instant-completion, I have added my Ini's, plugins.txt, modlist.txt and my load-order (sorted by Boss, I reckon) as attachments (I hope I'm not breaking any rules by doing so?) in hopes that one of you kind souls is benevolent enough to take a shot at it, perhaps the problem lies there somewhere without me having seen it. Some final Tombstone data -- My rig: - MSI Z77 GD-65 MoBo - 16 GB of DDR3-1333 Ram (though only 8, at best, is used if I'm not mistaken, what with ENBoost and all (?)) - Intel i7 3770 CPU (not the 3770K, for what it's worth) - nVidia GTX 680 ~ MSI Twin Frozr edition (2gb GDDR5) - Western Digital WD1002FAEX HDD of 1TB (believe it's coded 'Caviar Black', or 'Caviar green') I think that's all the info for now (?) And with that said: Who can shine some light on this modded conondrum? Any help would be greatly appreciated. EDIT: Removed spoiler tags, for sake of hiding the meat of the story unintentionally. EDIT #2: I have 0 (that is Z-E-R-O) clue on how to read a Papyrus log. I don't know how to look for an issue, even though there are hints as to what the problem could be. Atm. it's a lot (basically all of the log) consisting of something with Twilight Vampires. But whether it's mod-based, or something native-gone-wrong because of a mod....I has no clue :x