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  1. Yeah. Also someone make the sky purple to spice it up
  2. Yeah goodrays does dip performance! But it's worth it! So far all these mods are going great guys :). I get 60fps or so outdoors. 35 with ENB. The only thing that wants to weigh me down is Banasplit Better Cities, which drops me to a constanly stutter like 40-40-60-45-9-9-12-30-2-10-45-60-60. So everything looks great, that's it? Are there any mods that majorly enhances vanilla objects' texture such as bowls, armor, swords, etc? I just wanted to say, Oblivion looks so incredibly stunning I can't even describe it... I will do a frabs recording soon. I'm in the IC and I'm looks at a dark tree with a few illuminated leaves floating infront of a big moon. Oblivion looks better than irl :D.
  3. ...what else were you expecting? Crysis came out later, and was designed to look better, and isn't as open-world as Oblivion, so it was able to do so. Oblivion will NEVER look anywhere CLOSE to Crysis. And Oblivion will, a large percentage of the time, run worse on a good computer than Crysis will. And WHY on EARTH are you WANTING lag? The whole point behind having a good computer is to run a game at high graphics without lag. I could only WISH to play the game on even MEDIUM graphics. Just take what you're getting and be thankful for it man/woman. [/soapbox] Modifications are incredibly powerful; Crysis looks twice as good with a simple config mod. Oblivion does too, yet of course it's a littler more complex. I never actually said my goal was to lag my computer. I just love visuals I said that my computer can handle anything, so that won't be an issue and I also confirmed that none of the mods are too strong either, "nothing is lagging me". Sorry if it came out wrong. Powerful computers are coming cheap now, a complete box capable of Crysis at 720p would only cost around $600. A card would only be $150. Yes it's still a lot, but if visuals matter to you as much as me, it is manageable. I'm sorry if I came off rude, or spoiled to the people with older computers.
  4. So that's it? So far my computer still won't really lag! And Crysis looks a million times better.
  5. He says he wants it to look as beautiful as can be since he has a good computer so you all recommend him gameplay mods? Gotcha. How "Good is your computer"? I have the best of the best, and still, I've learned Oblivion can be heavier than Crysis which my computer runs great. Try these: Banasplit Better Cities HD Water Enhanced ENBseries Oblivion Beaming Sunglare QTP 3 Redimized (Looks the same as original IMO) Really AEVWD Weather - All Natural Improved Trees and Flora 1 & 2 Depth of Field Ambient Dungeons Animated Windows lighting system These are what I use currently. They look great, but believe me, you will need a nice CPU (i7, phenom II X4 955/965, Core 2 Quad), and a GPU equivilent or better than a GTX 260/ HD 4870 to get these all going smooth. I have two 4870s and I still stutter sometimes!
  6. Well I have 4gb of DDR3 7-7-7-20 A Phenom II X4 955 @ stock, can put it at 3.8 if I need to. Nothings OC 4870 x2 I got from ebay for $200 650 Watt PSU Crappy Mobo, Crappy HDD Windows 7 x64 installed, and I used something called ATI Tweaker that I'm not sure if it even helped. It was a registry tweak. With it all on I'm getting 40 fps in IC Market district, but Banasplit Better Cities is setup with no fps filtering options etc, and stutters it sometimes...
  7. Sadly nothing still weighing me down, and it doesn't look GREATEST. Is QTP III better looking than redimized? (only answer if you've compared them)! Tried Improved Trees and Flora 1& 2 BananaSplit Better Cities Weather - All Natural Natural Enviroment 2000 x 2000 LOD Depth of Field Animated Windows Lighting System QTP 3 Redimized HD Water Enhanced and still using ENB instead of OBGE, because it looks tigh.
  8. Ok, checked out Goodrays and SSOS. Looks good :), do they hit you as bad as ENBseries?
  9. So you think an SSD will need to be my next upgrade? I only have a 7200 RPM 32mb HD currently, that may be a bottleneck :(. I guess you're right though, I never realized Oblivion was so unstable. Well with your advise and looking around, now I have RAEVWD, HD Water, Sunglare, and QTP 3 redim. Also found ENB Series which hits my performance a bit, but the effects look great. Was wondering if there's a little faster alernative to RAEVD because the 4000 x 4000 is ouch even on a 4870 x2.
  10. Staffs exist so I'm sure. I'm hoping you'll make a wave sword. Something curved with cool animations that sends out a flashy cresent wave.
  11. There are so many different mods to improve graphics and looks of everything in the game, and I can't even tell which I need and which are the best. I just built my first computer and it can handle anything. I am able to run Crysis maxed out in 1080p with even more demanding custom configs with a solid 30 fps. I LOVE eyecandy. I love windows lights, flashy textures, contrast changers, blur, everything. I need to know all the mods that will make Oblivion truly the best looking possible. Performance hits aren't an issue! So far I have QTP III redimized because it looks the same as the original IMO. Thanks :).
  12. Thanks! :) and another question to everyone... I think I decided to use FCOM since I just noticed it includes Oblivion Warcry! How could I use THIS, which is Armamentarium for Francesco's, which adds a ton of new equips among NPCs? And what other mods can I use to make combat better- I already use Adrenaline. And what other mods add to FCOM equipment/gameplay...? Overall, good mods I can use with FCOM, and what's inside of it. ;D.
  13. So, I was setting up OOO, and Fran's, seems pretty easy, then I get to MMM... the folder is full of things, like MMM for OOO, ect, I'm getting confused. Is it possible to use all 3 and how do I do it? I'm almost wanting to use FCOM... but MAO, the animation overhaul wants load order like this. AnyPlugins Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul.esp -> if you use it Martigen's Monster Mod.esp -> if you use it AnyPlugins AnyAnimationPlugins -> if you use any Mayu's Animation Overhaul.esp Streamline.esp -> if you use it Bashed Patch.esp -> if you use it Deadly Reflex.esp -> if you use it END Be sure that your Load Order looks like this. Any advice? :thanks: Also.. I wanted to use Armamentarium for Francescos... so I could get a lot of new NPC Items with fran's. If that's not possible though, it's chill. How exactly would I get Fran's with the item's addon, MMM, and OOO at the same time? I'll probably have to use FCOM, but would that still work with MAO? Also what patches am I gonna need for FCOM ;D?
  14. Hey :thumbsup: . I'm looking for some mods that kind of make oblivion better, like tweaks, quests, adventures, equipment, and new places so explore. I like the weapons in Romuska's Fantasy store to give everyone an idea of what kind of equipment is apealing... what are some good mods to make oblivion better? Curently, I have a few adventure mods like the Lost Spire,s Ruintale's Tale, Lost palidans of the Divine, and Servant of the Dawn. For tweaks I'm using Mart's Monster Mod, F's Leveled Creatures, OOO, and Adrenaline Oblivion Already. I like mods that enhance little simple things, to big overhaul's. Anything that add a more unique aspect. For example.. something that would crowd the rodes more, make a blur when you're hurt, light changes, get blood stains, those would all be cool. ;D Haha, and ways to make oblivion run faster, or enhance it :/. What do you guys recommend for new adventures, equipment, tweaks, and areas? Thanks.
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