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About Issacreaper2

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  1. I wish I could say it's been all well and good, but I really can't since my questions were never answered and every time I asked for help I got silence I guess what I'm saying is I quit I quit trying my hardest to make mods I quit trying to get answers because it's like pulling teeth trying to get people to respond to me I quit trying to be happy because I quit life because I don't have a dad anymore
  2. hey guys, just wanted to ask would have to use scripting to create a power armor frame that doesn't use fusion cores? if anybody knows please let me know I just thought I'd ask before dabbling with something I'm not entirely familiar with and I just thought I'd ask thank you for your time.
  3. Hey guy I wanted to ask you something I wanted your opinion on how I think custom races are made so I went through and did some digging in the game files using B.A.E and I looked at the super mutant head nif file then I looked at the mouth nif file and then I started thinking about this mod right here DC and West Coast Supermutants at Fallout 4 Nexus - Mods and community (nexusmods.com) and I noticed how their lips weren't animated. Did make new models for the face and did not rig the face at all and leave the mouth as is for its animation because if that's the case I feel a little better now when it comes to creating a new race
  4. I downgraded with the .bat files (which by the way I didn't know I could open) but anyway, I opened the .bat file that said downgrade depots
  5. Hi guy's I'm having a bit of trouble downgrading my creation kit can you think of anything I did wrong
  6. I don't know if I agree with that if I didn't know any better, I'd probably call them money hungry and I'm pretty sure they didn't have to come out with an update that wasn't tested because of all of those but that's my opinion and I think it's courteous to respect everyone's opinion. Anyway, I'm a little confused is it just old mods or mods that aren't compatible with the new update.
  7. yeah they are high-poly and yes I am in the process of using retopology on one of them it's a little hard with the first one
  8. Thanks, I didn't really expect to get this many comments on this forum. This is quite a lot and I'm a little overwhelmed. This forum was just me expressing my feelings more than anything and now I feel a little better. I was doing a bunch of things at once and was so lost in the thought of creating something I couldn't really think. I haven't even created a mod yet. I don't even really know what I want. Welp guess what I have to do is take a mental break after all I've have real world issues I have to fix too I do have some things I want to share that I thought was pretty cool though (that's if you think it's cool)
  9. I'm done I quit trying to do something I just simply can't accomplish. I don't have a team of people that would even think of trying to work with me I don't have the resorces or the knowledge to pull off anything I'm worthless
  10. I was just a little curious if you could get in trouble for this because if you can I want to avoid it
  11. I'm kind of confused about what's going on with FO4SE mods overall. If you can even create a DLC-sized mod in general and what kind of mods you would be able to create if someone has a clear answer on whether or not you can do that, please do tell BGS has been grinding my gears lately I don't know why they do the s#*! that they do like WTF if it ain't broke don't fix it (or in this case make the game worse by giving PC users the worst gameplay experience ever) if they update fallout 4 I swear to god I will quit playing. So yeah, just wanted to know what's new with the community and what's available.
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