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About jmayor

  1. well I think my error is somewhere in the GREETING part..just not sure where or how.. also..I don't know if I accidently altered something to Cross's dialogue/etc but she now does the same thing...I go to talk to her and she gives me her dialogue up to the point I can select some questions/responces..and all I can choose is "gotta go"..so I can't hire her now either.. I'll see about getting my .esp up somewhere to PM it to you to have a look....
  2. alright. I finally completed all the alterations with dialogue and what have you..put him in my follower list under misc....I start up game..go to talk to my NPC..and when I "hail" him the ONLY option I get is "I gotta get going".....nothing else. does that help pinpoint where a problem may be? The dialogue's I edited was the first option for "QUEST:Followers"....went to all the options except the dogmeat ones...but I see further down the SCRIPTS tab is several FollowersHireCross..ones...do they have to be edited also in order to start the dialogue? thanks...dunno why I can't get this working...it saved w/o any errors.
  3. I'm having a problem with this..it's real clear till you get the the AI Packages..where you tell us to add the FollowersStarPaladinCross*** and change them to our own ID...you say to point to the *Hired...there is no clear selection for that...only option I get is to point to a reference..which I do in the Cell View to my new NPC...but nowhere to add the ***Hired part. can you clarify this please..I've been messing with it but keep getting nothing but errors.. great guide up to that point...but then it goes to (sorry) unclear directions EDIT: where it becomes unclear is where you talk about what to change the "Conditions" to... thanks
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