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Posts posted by HailHell

  1. i would create a faction that is hostile towards imperials thalmor etc. this way if the player is any of these factions he will attack the player on sight. If you want him to only join the player if he is a storm cloak then set up a conditioned response in the dialogue, this is done through quests, i would tell you how but this site does it better. http://www.creationkit.com/Bethesda_Tutorial_Planning_the_Quest

  2. ok so i want the script to only show the message once so i given it a condition

    but the message is beign shown regardless what is wrong with my code, why is the

    if varg < 1 being ignored?????????????



    int varg
    begin gamemode
    int varg = 5
    if varg < 1
    int varg += 1
    showmessage a00ndebug
    player.moveto A00NxmhRef02

  3. ok so i want the script to only show the message once so i given it a condition

    but the message is beign shown regardless what is wrong with my code, why is the

    if varg < 1 being ignored?????????????



    int varg
    begin gamemode
    int varg = 5
    if varg < 1
    int varg += 1
    showmessage a00ndebug
    player.moveto A00NxmhRef02

  4. so once the key is registered then the second script should work yes? If thats the case then there is nothing wrong with me using the bleed out event for testing purposes since the player is back up 5 seconds later, the script is run the player doesn't die, key gets registered. So it must be something else. Mathias says the property has to be filled in, with what exacly?

  5. what do you mean it will be too late? what does the registerforkey actually do then, i thought it just registers the key to be expected in general not for a specific period of time. Anyway would onchange combat state event work?


    And i am looking out for the message box to show me that the script is actually running, same with the key, polishing comes at the end when the framework is done and stable in my opinion.

  6. Scriptname L00VScBlock extends form

    actorbase property playerref auto

    Event OnKeyDown(int keycode)
    If KeyCode == 17
    Debug.messagebox("A registered key has been pressed")



    i put the register for key here since this script already works.-------------------------------------------------


    Scriptname L00VPlayerSC extends actor
    objectreference property L00VDieRef01 auto

    L00VScBlock property firstScript Auto

    Event OnEnterBleedout()


    int randomnumber1 = Utility.RandomInt(1, 10)
    Float base = Game.GetPlayer().GetBaseActorValue("health")
    Float current = Game.GetPlayer().GetActorValue("Health")
    Float x = (base - current) / randomnumber1
    game.getplayer().RestoreActorValue("Health", x)
    Game.FadeOutGame(false, true, 5.0, 5.0)
    debug.messagebox("ranbomnumber1 = " + randomnumber1)
    if randomnumber1 <= 5

  7. effect one will need to be on a seperate magic effect since it uses a different effect archetype to the other 2 effects.


    For effect 2 and 3 you have to make sure that the effect archetype is set to script.



    Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget,Actor akCaster)

    float Hp = akTarget.GetActorValuePercentage("Health")

    if hp <= 0.30 ; u have to use <= instead because using == will only run the code bellow if the targets hp is exacly 0.30 ; Also And is written as && in papyrus

    ;do stuff



  8. things like that have to be done through scripts, there is a lot of limitation to what you can do with ck alone. If your going to learn scripting i suggest that you take the python course on codeacademmy.com, it offers far better explenations to how logic of code works than any of the papyrus tutorials on the creationkit.com.


    If you put your head down you could finish this course in 2 days.

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