Because if I could get it to work, that'd be great. This is probably the 3rd time in 2 years I've installed Skyrim, used the STEP guide and had the result of a game that is so unstable, that in my mind, isn't worth playing. RPGs by their nature require great time investment and a sense of caring about your character. Who can chance that when they have random CTDs and often can't even reload a saved game? My problem is now, that I can only reload a game that was saved indoors. An outdoor save gives me an infinite loading screen. I've performed step many times now, never had a good result and I'm sure that this is my best install yet. And it's the same problem! So I was just wondering, how many of you with highly modified games, actually end up with a stable game at the end? Because in the last 3 weeks, I'm pretty sure I've wasted at least 20 hrs installing and modding skyrm. That's not a good use of my time.