I need your opinion on a build (that I would play along with Supreme Magicka mod) so I don't go waste my time making nonsense stuff this char would : use bound war axe (or bound mace maybe, but it seems a bit slow) as a weapon not wear any piece of armor at all (in order to keep a 100% spell efficiency and a high speed of movement) but use shield spells/enchants/items cast weakness to fire to increase the fire dmg dealt by his bound weapon summon pets to hang around with him so do you think this is viable at all? will it make a powerful character? thanks
Wouldn't it be just as easy to type "tg" into the console to toggle the grass off for a minute until you locate the dead body? ahah wonderful, didn't know there was such console command works perfectly, thanks
hello I don't know if such mod even exists, but I'm looking for a mod that would highlight dead bodies...or make them glow...or anything that could help me spot them in the vegetation :thanks: