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Posts posted by Kwenkwang

  1. I just got this problem today and have never downloaded Val's Crafting Meltdown mod... help?


    I'm too...



    a Follower-File, which was created with the NPC Editor was offender.

  2. Hi,


    I love the ADEC-Body mainly because of the butt.

    I am using another skeleton_female.nif with more boobs and the boobs of the ADEC-Body don't look very good.



    I have now the new BBP-Version from the ADEC-Body (1.21) and the Boobs are looking very good with my another skeleton_female.nif.

    I have decided that I replace all ADEC-Bodys of my TBSC-Mod.

    Now the real problem is beginning:


    in this new body mod I change everything as before, but in the game sees the body does not look like what I would like.

    Where is the error?





    With the NifSkope (1.1.0-RC7 | revision 6d41868) I edit the textures and in BSLightingShaderProberty of this Body I change the first entrance from Skin Tint to Environment Map.

    Then I am deleting the following entries from Shader Flag 1: Models_Space_Normals and FaceGen_RGB_Tint,

    Environment Map is added.

  3. weird

    when the NPC is being processed with the CreationKit, then the clothes with the right BodySkin is loaded.

    From help in the console, the outfit is listed only once.


    I edit this NPC with the Skyrim NPC editor, then something is wrong and by typing help in the console, the outfit listed twice and one outfit is broken.

    Just this contributes the NPC.

  4. the new skin for that new Outfit will not load, it's the UNP-Skin for a CBBE-Body Model.



    I would quite like to create outfits that can attract even the NPCs.


    Joining me now by the sexyElves.esp NPC editor of NPC.esp (Danica Pure Spring) and added to as the inventory that these sexyElves clothing should be worn, then the right BodySkin is not loaded and I habve these Outfit twice, when I'm writing "help sexy" in the console of Skyrim.

    An outfit is just broken and this attracts Danica.

    The other outfit is intact.

  5. I need your help again.


    I've reworked the mod "BBP sexy Elves" by Alan accordingly, so that I can use them in "my" base-body mod UNP.

    However, it is not loaded on the second clothes texture.

    The first dress, but it's all right and I don't know where the fault could lie.

    Actually, I worked on the second dress just like the first dress. *brooding*



  6. ok,

    I've got it!


    The strange armor (for CBBE3) will now display the correct color, so that this much healthier and more natural.

    Thanks for help and the MBT-Plugin!


    Only the feet are still correct, but I get that also.




  7. Ahh ... I'm still using Nifskope RC5 not RC6 so maybe that's why it's different ... Hmmm we need someone like Throttlekitty (or someone else experienced with RC6) to help with that, as I'm not sure what the different names mean ... I'd GUESS that you would set it to 'default' and not 'skin tint' but maybe something else is better ... Sorry




    on my Notebook I have an older Version of NifScope and now I know, what do you mean with 1 or 5. In the new NivSope is that the Pulldownmenu with the Words: Skin Tint=2, Face Tint=5,...


    but I have a problem with the skin: it`s very dark:




    My favorite Body-Mod is UNP and this FantasyArmor uses CBBE.

  8. what you say should work.. this is how i apply texture to my mesh..



    It's ignored in the case of body textures, the skin shader swaps what ever texture you put there in place of what ever races texture the actor is. It's set up in the races CK entry not the nif.




    I don't unstand, what do you mean with "0", "5" or "shader-type 5" and I can't find these words in den BSLighingShaderProverty.

    I'm using NifSkope in the Version 1.1.0-RC6.

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