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About cookie682426

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  1. that sounds like a great idea. how could we go about doing that?
  2. no more like angels gone bad, although i do like the idea of fallen angels uprising.
  3. all i have is CS i cant do the textures and what not.
  4. i have an idea for a mod but do not have the time or resources to create it. my idea is that, if your fame is high enough, one night after the player sleeps he is visited by the angel Saint Peter, keeper of the gates of heaven, and is asked if you would like to leave your worldly possessions behind and come to heaven to live a life of peace and plenty. upon arriving though the player soon learns of an evil breeding in heaven and has to stop it. progressing steadily through the ranks of angel's and in the end, finding and defeating the evil and corruption in heaven and earning the title archangel and then given a sizable estate and permission to journey between heaven and earth anytime they please. i am still working on the base story, but this is just a suggestion. anyone wanting to do this can take it any direction they want. but i think it should have re-textured armors, cities, angel race, and even new armor and weapon's for the archangel rank. so overall, a new quest, race, faction, city, weapon/armor mod lol. if someone would like to create this please let me know :) thank you. UPDATED IDEA: when the player's fame reaches, oh... say 50, after waking up, he is visited by a messenger of Talos and is told that he has to opportunity to come to live in heaven, leaving ALL his worldly possessions behind for a life of peace and plenty. after the third day of living in heaven the player hears talking from outside their house, upon investigating, comes across a masked angel killing another angel. the player decides that heaven isn't all that peaceful. after following clues and hunting down the killer, gaining rank and equipment, the player learns that it is in fact the Arch Angel and that he has successfully brought a force of fallen angels into the City of Heaven in order to take complete control. after a fight and winning the player is bestowed his title, armor, weapon, estate in heaven, and permission to journey between heaven and earth anytime they please. Cities: i have idea's for one of the different sects of the City of Heaven. for Talos in the style of Anvil but without the docks and bay. this is still a MASSIVE work in progress. all idea's are welcome!!!! Archangel Armor http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs43/f/2009/125/b/2/Archangel_Armor_by_Azmal.jpg Archangel Weapon http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs16/i/2008/056/5/3/Ak_Khor_family_sword_by_ZioHitory.jpg neither of the above images are my design. i had no part in creating them. they are simply a guideline to what i wish to be placed in this mod.
  5. i posted a similar topic as this awhile back and i had a few ideas. after i learned a little bit about the process i realized that i lack the proper tools to do it. here are the ideas i had for the armor. all vanilla meshes. heavy arena yellow for the skirt steel for the cuirass the pauldrens, arms and gauntlets all imperial pallace iron boots and the dark leather greaves (should be labeled under "thief") i hope someone picks up on this that has the means to do it. i would love to see this armor ingame
  6. i cant figure it out. i need to unpack my meshes and help on working nifskope. i have already looked at the wiki. didnt help. please help!
  7. Im working on a Mod that adds a Sigil Tower (Kvatch) to the area just below the Hermous Mora (sp) statue. ive decided to call it The Rising Ember. Download here: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=34909 it has: a foyer, that will have display cases [any ideas here are welcome as i dont know what else to do here] a study, that is gonna be complete with book containers (waiting on permission), a static hourglass that gives you a boost in your Intelligence when activated (once a day) [if anyone has any ideas on what they might like in the study let me know:)] a garden/achemy lab, the garden is completed. i plan on placing pre-set ingredients in the chests that i have placed. it has a Great Sigil Stone just above the work station that gives you a boost in your Alchemy skill, and i am currently waiting on permission to use a Static Alchemy set. [again any and all ideas are welcome] sleeping quarters that is placed in the Sigil Chamber. i have the bed placed, going to either use dressers from SE or The Punished and Skin Sacks for containers/furniture, i have not yet decided. it has portals to all of the Mage's Guild's in Cyrodiil (in the Arcane University the portal is in the Guildmaster's Quarters). i am also planning to place minitures of each city behind its respcective portal. [ideas?] a stable that has a horse named Shymmer, cant die. and i Sigil Room that holds every possible Sigil Stone ingame. some of the things i listed are not in the version that is posted in The Nexus as i litterally JUST updated it. as i've said before any ideas are MORE than welcome. and if you would like to help me out (this is my first mod and i only have a better than average understanding of the Contruction Set, nothing more) i would greatly apprieciate it.
  8. do i have to convert it? if so how do i do that?
  9. ive been thru a couple of threads on here tryin to figure this out, but they are all talkin about somethin that i have no idea what is going on with. can someone dumb it down for me? i just wanna post pics on my first mod and the uploader says it wont upload paint files? help anyone?
  10. ok, i have no idea about what ya'll are talkin about FRAPS or whatever. can someone dumb it down? lol im tryin to post images on my first mod and i have NO idea how to do it. the uploader says it wont take paint files? help me?
  11. i was thinkin something like a Grim Reaper class, that has a quest that goes along with it. you start out by when you kill 30 ppl, the Grim Reaper comes to inlist you into his service. you do quests for him and rise in rank. in the end becoming the Grim Reaper yourself (costume) i think that this would be a interesting addition to the game.
  12. oh wow ok, does it have the whole landscape of Alagaesia? does it take it to a new land or is it based in an area in Tamriel?
  13. no im lookin at it now. my computer is slow tho so idk if its the full land of Alagaesia. do you know?
  14. i've currently just started workin on a mod to make the land of Alagaesia (the names of everything in the land will be changed if needed to avoided copyright isues) i want some help to smooth things, and make this move along quicker. if you are interested im going to be doing the landscaping and such. i need someone who is good in texturing, someone good in scripting, someone good in quest making, and someone that can make races. i want unique buildings, such as the "Tree houses", stone huts (dwarves), and i think we can use vanilla buildings for the mail cities. if you have any ideas, feed back, questions or complaits. please let me know, i dont want to break rules. i just thought this would be something fun to play out.
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