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Posts posted by gandalf719

  1. I am having problems getting my class mod to spawn correctly. I have it scheduled to spawn after the first mission to get to the hamlet, but so far it crashes the game before I even reach the Hamlet. It most be something I am not seeing, but I made sure all of the files were renamed to the new class and all the abilities were the same in the info, art, and string table. If there is something I am missing please let me know. The mod isn't all that fancy, but I want to try and get it to work so that I can work on different mods that will hopefully be better in the future. Anyways, any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

  2. So I installed a couple of hero mods, and the first three installed just fine. Then the last two gave me a bit of trouble to install, and now I cant upgrade them in either the guild or the armory. I can't tell if I did something wrong or the files themselves are incomplete. Is there a way to tell what went wrong?

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