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About KillyAeon

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  1. I've spent hours on the net to find a Robert Pattinson for Oblivion, but I turned in with nothing. I'm sure he's well searched and the author who makes him will be drowning in kudoses. So if anyone gets to create him, or finds a GOOD one, please tell me. I will give you a thousand kudos. ;)
  2. It will be far more better than Fallout 3.You know why?Because Black Isle is in action again!Woo!
  3. They're honestly more powerful than behemoths.
  4. Yeah thanks guys got BioShock and its awesomely beautiful.^^ The storyline is also awesome I just listen to the recordings over and over again.Game is great and you too. Thousand of huggles and thanks.^^
  5. I'm gonna buy a new game in a few days and because I buy only original,I'll have to wait for a long while to buy the second one. So which one should buy and try first?Which one do you think is better?Dead Space or BioShock? (And yeah I still haven't played BioShock.) o_O
  6. Yeah there most probably wont be Harold in later games. Since they wont know what you chose to do.
  7. Sorry was away a few days. Actually I like Aeon but dunno I hate using numbers for my Nicks. Yeah problem solved I have Umbra and also was able to finish Hermaus. Thanks everyone for your help!^^
  8. Any ideas why your username is Killy"Aeon" ? (No matters anyway). Heh I always used killy everywhere but one day on a forum I saw that it was taken.I cried for days and days,(lol)then thought I should add something else to it not to have the same thing.I always hated numbers,so from that day on I used KillyAeon.Wooo!
  9. Yeah thanks but I really dont like playing that way.^^ Lol I start a new game when I use a cheat.
  10. Yeah thanks for your helps everyone.^^ Gonna keep the sword but jeez it turns to something like 50 pounds.
  11. Ok I really want to keep Umbra and don't want his lame-ass Masque. But when I keep it he freaks out and it feels like I didn't really finish the quest. If I keep Umbra with me..will it affect the last daedric shrine,Hermaus Mora? Will I be able to do her quest?
  12. Actually it's usually fun to play with a combo character but if you want more people to use your character your priority should be the looks. The things you've listed are possible and easy to do things,but I would definitely download it if it also has a nice appearance. :)
  13. Yeah I remember seeing that but it's not something very special.-_- Well,nice find.^^
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