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    Skyrim, FO3, Xcom: Enemy Unknown, Shogun 2
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  1. Spending some time with my good ol' 360. Been a while since I played on it.
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    2. Shadiva


      haha hm what to make a good controller of, *Holds the DvD player* perhaps alittle big but Meh! ho cares, though i might need it for something, cant recall what it is atm... Perhaps this *Takes out alien artifact of DOOM* now this just might work :P
    3. Mekii


      You can mod the PS3 into a controller! Then you got easy access to both controller and power button... and ofc Changing games!
    4. Shadiva


      Yeah should totally be epic! but i still want al my X-mas light on it! perhaps try putting it al in the strange sidebar on the side of the console, i think there's something else that's supposed to get in there but cant be that importent can it? atleast i get an awsome console yay! *fap fap*
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