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About stsinnet71

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    United States

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  1. I should have one up by this weekend :)
  2. Can some one make a gunsafe? Like the one in the pic.
  3. I'm looking for a mod that either alters how long companions will stay when told to wait. Or one that let's you change any companions home base area thing. Is there one out there or can some one possibly make one for me? thanks for your time
  4. haven't checked it out yet. But if it's what i think the set up is still not the same.
  5. ya thats kinda what i thought. I been trying for a couple days now without success.
  6. Is ther a way to make a bubble of air underwater? Basically i wan't to make an exterior underwater home, not sure if it's possible but i doubt its possible/easy.
  7. So how do i fix an issue where the music from MWTCF and original GNR music are at different volume levels. As I said I can turn up the volume on the radio to hear the new music, but when the original grn stuff comes on I Nearly blow my speakers at the volume level i have to use to hear MWTCF stuff. I don't have static stuters or silences just music is not as loud as original tracks while playing.
  8. I have the same issue. Like the mod but its useless if i have to turn up the volume so loud that my speakers blow when original gnr songs come on
  9. Ya just trying to save myself like months of efforts due to skill and time constraints
  10. Ya just trying to save myself like months of efforts due to skill and time constraints
  11. Still working on next version of my mod and i ran into a snag on a script. Basically I need a script that will let you knock on a door and get a (one of a few) responce like the arefu thing.
  12. Anyone that can I need a trader brahmin model made that has body parts sticking out of the packs(basically i made a body part vendor and i think his brahmin should have a few parts visible)
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