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About abyss91

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  1. Well, actually I had used BOSS right before I had this problem. I will try to buff myself at a new stone and see the outcome. If it won't work, I'll post here again. Thanks for the help!
  2. Like the topic title says, whenever I try to see General Stats the game simply exits with no warning. I have the latest patch and all too. Also, I am at the quest where I meet with Falkreath to retrieve some fragment, and Falkreath keeps talking to me and won't let me do anything. Please help, I have no idea what to do.
  3. But what command should I use then?
  4. Since the game doesn't come with an option of removing them completely, and because my low-end-ish PC's performance will probably be increased if they were removed, I would like a mod to do that.
  5. Transformations would be possible I think, but only after the creation kit is released. Maybe even adding a SSJ skill tree would be awesome.
  6. Instead of re-creating places where we have already been to, why not make an alternative place? For people that have completed Oblivion it won't be as exciting going there. Nevertheless, if you are completely determined to do this, then I wish you good luck. It would be a great addition since extra content is always a good thing.
  7. Yes I know that one, which is why this request is very do-able :) I hope that somebody skilled will manage to take on this request and make something great.
  8. Like the title suggests, I think that making at least some of the DBZ attacks as spells would be an awesome addition to the game. Or, if not as spells, then maybe some would be great as shouts ( if not most of them), especially the kamehameha.
  9. Well I did check and it doesn't shed any light. Does anybody have more info regarding this?
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