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About sithlordgoku

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  1. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=10582 its a flaming skull(ghost rider) wanted to try to do him(from my other post named ghost rider) but i really know nothing about modding. I have the G.E.C.K. , but from what i read, i need something else to transform the oblivion format into fallout format. (sorry if it sound noob, i am in that lol)
  2. Well. i tried to understand how to do it, but i never done it and look pretty complicated. I looked a little left and right and its pretty much chinese to me(and i dont understand chinese lol) Is there a simple tutorial about how to do it, or you need to know some modding stuff b4?
  3. there a hologram pipboy...and it look mostly like that. here the link... http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1225
  4. Nice...then its only a matter of conversion!?
  5. HEY! would it be nice to play as ghost rider(from comic book and movie) There already a leather jacket in the game...adding spike shouldnt be too hard. As for the chain, i guess it not that hard either. For the head, dunno if there a skull head in the game( i think i saw one) at worse, u modify a Ghoul face. As for the fire head, there a mod about "hand on fire", dunno if u could change it so the head stay on fire!? I guess, the fire head going to be the hardest part. Well, what evryone think of ghosty in the wasteland?
  6. I think there a mod about super-power here...didnt really look at it since i dont care about it.But from what i saw it was T.K or some Pyro-kynetic... might be close to what u looking for.
  7. I like to see a bast like race(Khajjit) would be nice to have a better hand to hand stats from the start too!!
  8. We all know we can drink alchool and get addic to it... But would it be cool to get drunk too? With an "dizzy effect" when u drink too much ? And i remember seeing gum somewhere in the game, as far as i remember, after wating it, nothing happen. Why not having ours avatar make bubble with the gum? kinda like the cigarette mod but from time to time, we create a bubble with ours gum, neh?!
  9. OH!!! woot woot!!! Weird, i did a search with chainsaw and got nothing... and there u come with a link with one!! Anyway, TX... cant wait to try it out.
  10. A flashlight on a gun would be nice...dark place and u barely see only in front of u because of the flashlight attached on ya gun!
  11. He dont like the idea i guess.... btw...one big prob i see, is u wont be able to have reload animation(since both hands have weapon) U have to "cut" the reload animation, but them, how to reload? lol
  12. I like to see that too. double weapon= faster shooting too. double DMG?! not really, since 1hand weapon are slower...
  13. wasnt zeta the last expension? That what i read/heard.
  14. wolverine would be cool...i already saw some claws weapon....but for the rest of his costume, it would be really hard to do and surely long.
  15. That be so cool to have a chainsaw in the game. But i really doubt that can be done.
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